Many apologies for the late night musings however I have questions... - [x] When does enthusiastic / motivated become manic? - [x] When does having lots of ideas become adhd? - [x] What is "Normal"??? - [x] When does "appropriate" become oversharing? - [x] What counts as "worrying behaviour"? - [x] Why can't abnormal be the new normal? - [x] When does down and stressed become clinically depressed? - [x] When does having a social drink (or 4) become alcohol dependent? - [x] When does exploring new avenues - writing/blogging/white water rafting... become "too much/full on"? - [x] When does night owl become insomniac? - [x] When does chaotic become inspirational? - [x] When does dark humour become inappropriate? - [x] When does sharing become oversharing? - [x] Why does everything need a label. Can't we just be individuals? We are all different. We all have different strengths and weaknesses. Society requires us to conform... but is that not squashing diversity. Risking becoming "boring". Why do we all have to be the same? #nomv #notonemorevet #neurodivergent #veterinarysurgeon #veterinarylife #workingmothers #lifeisajourney #nightowl #notenoughsleep #workingmums #hashtagpower / #toomanyhashtags
Gavin Skevington not sure if you'd have an opinion on this past post? 😁
For me I look at the reason behind what I do, and how I feel doing it. For example, if I'm working like crazy because I'm really excited about what I'm doing and I love it, it's completely different from doing it because I feel I have to prove something/it's what we do here/I'm afraid to sit down because I won't know what to do with myself/I'm desperate for money. Also, listening to my family and friends and how they think I'm doing (although my mum was always saying to me I'm burning my candle at both ends because I've just always got something going 😂 ). But my husband especially is good at asking "do you need to do that now?" Dark humor ... is something I always look at after the fact and question if that was "too much". I think for me it's healthy to just keep an eye on it, but there's no "right" level, I guess, as with any humor....
We don't have to be the same and there is a fine line between accepting and normalising for the comfort of others. For certain elements there will naturally be medical standards or assessment criteria (ND conditions, alcoholism and dependency etc) but in reality the idni idual knows who they are and the world should support their stance in the world. I remember being told someone's idea of inclusovoty was a world where nobody had to declare anything as rhe world si pky accepted them. To some that may sound lerfe t, to me it feels less than inclusive, that feels like what I've done with my ND condition for years, si pky seeking to fit in and stay quiet. People can often be too quick to impary their perceptions or exoe nation's of individuals and their nature of conditions. I know I am autistic, I know my son is too, but we arw different even by our positions on the spectrum and I'd never tell him my autism was rhe right one and his was wrong, because we are different. The world loves conformity and si pkicity, it's human nature, but inclusivoty is acknowledging and accepting people for who and what they are. Sorry did I go off on one?
Loving reading these thoughts! Absolutely, some labels can be limiting, I think also that some can be liberating and powerful. I've done a blog on my thoughts around ND 'labels'. all fantastic questions Ceri, this book definitely opened my mind and had a few answers ❤️
Grateful for your posts which makes such a welcome change from the usual LinkedIn crowd of reps, recruiters and corporations. There has been a part of me that never felt it fit the expected format of a UK vet. Keep it up 🤣👍🏻
Also, we are having some fascinating conversations around neurodiversity in our ND Thinkbox sessions. We would love to have you along! You can sign up at
Ceri Lewis BSc (Hons) BVMBVS MRCVS - who says you have to be anyone else’s normal ? I haven’t read Nicky Diver-Clarke RVN ‘s book recommendation (but it’s now in the basket 😂). Sure we have to be a part of our society/culture because I think that’s typically how humans are strongest (when in a team/tribe I mean), but I don’t think for a moment that we have to be the same/normal?
Yep. Made it to 62 being me. I love 🥰 being me. I love my life. I don’t put up with being told anything anymore. You do you , I do me. I am happy. 😃
Permanent vet both in clinic as a GP vet, ad hoc locum and remote online triage vet for vidivet. Passionate about mental health both in the workplace and general life. #dontlettheblackdogbeatyou unless it's a Labrador
9moSteven Goodear I feel like you don't have to be wearing an elbow patched jacket, purple beret at a jaunty angle, smoking a pipe, drinking vermouth, listening to jazz and and saying coooool maaaan to be philosophical 😂😂😂I'd rather a pint anyway or a g&t if I'm feeling healthy 😎😂