Agredecemos a photonicSENS por acogernos en SPS Italia #Parma para mostrar #Aries con su cámara #3D monocular ultracompacta. No podemos olvidar a Schmalz por la cesión de su gripper. Thanks to photonicSENS for hosting us at SPS Italia #Parma to showcase #Aries with their ultra-compact monocular 3D camera. We can't forget Schmalz for the loan of their gripper Estamos en / We are in 📍 Pavillion 5 - Booth H 067 🗓 28.05-30.05.2024 #robot #cobots #ai #innovation #3ddephtsensing #SPSParma #robotica #Technology
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What are the key performance characteristics of slip rings used in surgical robots? In this clip, our CEO Matteo Salgarello discusses the need for high circuit density in surgical robots without compromising functionality. He also emphasizes the importance of power density, ensuring slip rings handle the power load without overheating or causing interruptions during procedures. Learn more about our slip rings here: #sliprings #robotics #roboticsurgery #surgicalrobotics #healthcare #medicaldevices
Key performance characteristics of slip rings used in surgical robots
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Nuevo sistema de #seguridad 👉Hand Guiding for Industrial Robots ❗ 🤖 En AIMEN, hemos desarrollado, entre otras capacidades en #robótica, este sistema de seguridad que, a través del uso de un #joystick certificado que interactúa con el robot, consigue programar de forma rápida e intuitiva trayectorias y movimientos de carga. 🙌 Con el botón de este joystick, el operador o operadora, guarda las posiciones del robot almacenando diferentes puntos y modifica la precisión de su movimiento, consiguiendo así reducir las tareas repetitivas y pesadas. 👀 Observa su funcionamiento en este corto vídeo: ▶️ #aimenct #aimenresearch #didacticfactory #robotics #safetysystems #aimencapabilities
AIMEN Robotic Capabilities | Safety Systems - HANDOUT
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The AI to AGI journey coupled with human - machine convergence, everyday, takes a very tiny step forward. Like a pinhole leak in a giant swimming pool. It's like there is nothing else happening in the world. So much focus. So much innovation. So much determination. So much speed. To what end? To replicate a human? To replace a human? And the most interesting thing about all this progress, is that we aren't ready. The world of work and our personal lives are being shaped in the shadows by unknown entities in all corners of the world. If you have a voice, an opinion on this then make it heard before you get lost in the frenzy. Human transformation is knocking on the door. Each one of us, in our own way, needs to open that door.
🦿 Clone Robotics is creating highly advanced humanoid robots designed to replicate human-like movements and dexterity. In this presentation, they unveil “Torso 2,” equipped with an actuated abdomen. Its white transparent skin encases 910 muscle fibers that enable 164 degrees of freedom, supported by 182 sensors for precise feedback and control. - 💚 FOLLOW us on Instagram #ai #robotics #humanoid #robot
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Ventilador de hologramas para visualizar productos industriales en 3D a 360°. #Hologram #3DHologram #display #InnovationUnveiled #AI #engineering #robotics #machinelearning #deeplearning #virtualreality
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Una tecnología combinada de patas y ruedas qué permite una movilidad sin igual. Quiero saber más de esos algoritmos de control en situaciones tan inestables!!
The rise of wheeled-legged quadrupeds marks a significant shift in robotics, as companies like Deep Robotics and Unitree push the boundaries of mobility. Recent videos showcase these robots navigating snow, ice, and water with precision, demonstrating their ability to handle diverse and challenging terrains. This trend underscores a broader move toward versatile, all-terrain robotic platforms that can excel in industrial inspections, disaster response, and other demanding applications. Combining wheels and legs, these designs optimize both speed and adaptability, setting a new standard for robotic locomotion. Check out the latest footage from Deep Robotics and see how these machines are redefining what's possible. #robotics #AI
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Un robot con dos patas y una cola 🤖, inspirado en un Velociraptor 🦖, puede correr en una cinta a una velocidad máxima de 46 km/h 🏃💨 #engineering #robotics #bipedal #robot #InnovationUnveiled #ML #AI#machinelearning #deeplearning #virtualreality #augmentedreality
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Artificial Intelligence: Rise of the Robots Human-Like Conversations: Generative AI enables robots to communicate naturally and intuitively. Learning on the Go: Robots adapt and improve with every interaction. Creative Thinkers: Beyond pre-programmed tasks, they solve problems innovatively. Emotionally Intelligent: Recognizing moods and responding empathetically for deeper human connections. From Sophia to Optimus, humanoid robots are transforming industries and redefining human-machine relationships. The age of AI-powered robots isn’t just coming—it’s here!
🦿 Clone Robotics is creating highly advanced humanoid robots designed to replicate human-like movements and dexterity. In this presentation, they unveil “Torso 2,” equipped with an actuated abdomen. Its white transparent skin encases 910 muscle fibers that enable 164 degrees of freedom, supported by 182 sensors for precise feedback and control. - 💚 FOLLOW us on Instagram #ai #robotics #humanoid #robot
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La IA se esta desarrollando a velocidades exponenciales. ¿Está preparada tu empresa para los retos estratégicos que supone la irrupción de la Inteligencia Artificial en tu sector? ¿Son seguros tus sistemas y tus procesos? En Deep Due Diligence te ayudamos en el análisis estratégico de oportunidades, riesgos y amenazas de tu empresa, buscando soluciones a fondo, específicamente diseñadas para ti, utilizando las herramientas más avanzadas del mercado y con un equipo que combina la Inteligencia Económica y la Inteligencia Militar. #ddd #deepduediligence #compliance #inteligenciaeconomica #duediligence #mapeoderiesgos #planesestratégicos #seguridad #cyberdefence
DEEP Robotics has showcased the capabilities of its wheeled robot, Lynx, designed to tackle challenging terrains with ease. As the first Chinese company to achieve fully autonomous substation inspections using quadruped robots, DEEP Robotics is advancing the frontier of embodied AI. Their self-developed robots are already being deployed in practical applications, including power plants, factory floors, tunnel inspections, and rescue missions. --- ✔️Join our #BuildwithAI Hackathon 2024 -> --- #AI #Robotics #Robot --- Credit: circuitrobotics / IG
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