We are pleased to join Infrachain, a community that supports innovation and strengthens Luxembourg’s position in digital finance. We look forward to contributing to these developments 🚀
📢 [BREAKING NEWS] We are thrilled to announce that ChainEcos is now a member of the #Infrachain community! 👏👏 🌟 About ChainEcos 🌟 ➡️ The #ChainEcos group located in 🇱🇺#Luxembourg is divided into two independent yet highly complementary divisions. ➡️ Academy: The ChainEcos academy is a leader in #blockchainresearch & #education, focusing on trading and #decentralizedfinance. They offer mixed-format training programs, combining e-learning & conferences. ➡️ Investments: ChainEcos specializes in investing in digital assets (#cryptocurrencies). Their experts provide access to this emerging market, which offers high potential returns. 🙋♀️ Join us in welcoming our new member & find out more about their contribution to the #blockchain ecosystem 👉 https://bit.ly/3ZgfPHX Thibaut Royer Marion Martin Thomas Heymelot Fabrice Croiseaux Laurent Kratz Adnan Imeri, PhD Jedediah G Cristiano Morganti Jacques Ruckert Patrick Weber Thierry Grandjean 🇺🇦 Petra Krizan Louis Chevalier Denis Avrilionis Thierry Thevenet Dr. Eric Falk Raphaël Scheuren Radu State Pascal Bauler Catherine Di Lorenzo Christophe Medinger Luxembourg Blockchain Lab Emilie Allaert The LHoFT - Luxembourg House of Financial Technology CTIE