This morning on the ABC News we witnessed our favourite Weather Man, Nate suffer an on-air Panic attack. What's powerful about this was how easily he was able to identify what was happening - it's happened to him before - and seamlessly transition back to his colleagues. Within minutes he was able to rejoin them on screen and finish his weather report. Watch the video below and take note of the slight signs you can recognise, in case you witness someone else who might need a little help before or during a presentation or a speech. The breathlessness, the awkward body language, grasping hands, Panic Attacks are different for different people, and the signs vary. Some people aren't even aware of what's happening to them, they may just think - "Oh I get very nervous when speaking, and I cant get my words out" and then avoid it at all costs. I once flew to Hamilton Island to present on behalf of a colleague at his own client's Annual Conference because he simply couldn't face presenting to 300 people. People have different coping mechanisms for Panic Attacks. It's VERY common for people at Social Events to have a few quick drinks before they speak to "calm their nerves" (it doesn't work), unfortunately we have all been to that wedding or 21st, where things go off the rails a little..... If you get nervous in certain situations, or you know someone that does take these very simple ideas in mind: - Go for a walk, or even a run beforehand - Listen to Music briefly - focus on the music for a few minutes - Smell some Lavender - yes it actually works - Stop what your doing and excuse yourself briefly if that's what you need to do - the world isn't going to end because you had to give your speech in two parts. But most importantly remember, these feelings will pass and there is no lasting effect, and in 2024 we don't need to be embarrassed, just acknowledge what's happening and take action.
You might have seen Nate experience a panic attack earlier this morning while presenting the News Breakfast weather. He's open about his panic attacks — he's even written about them before — and he's doing okay! Thank you for all the supportive messages 😊🌅 As a team, we’ll always have your back, Nate. Always. (Although I hope I didn’t make matters worse with my bear hug off-camera…)
As always it is the ABC that leads the way! Pleased the see Nate getting support! Best Wishes Nate. Other private channels - take note and change your practices!
I love the transparency and honesty in this. Best wishes Nate.
Improving productivity while reducing physical & psychosocial risk factors...
4moBrilliant example of creating a phycologically safe environment for people to operate in…Kudos to the ABC broadcasting team and the team associated with the show…