Day 1: Overview of Java, history, key features, setup, first program.
Days 2-4: Java basics—syntax, data types, variables, operators, control flow (if/switch), loops, arrays.
Days 5-10: Deep dive into Object-Oriented Programming—classes, objects, constructors, methods, 'this' keyword, inheritance, method overriding, polymorphism, encapsulation, abstraction, interfaces.
Day 11: Nested and inner classes—types and usage.
Day 12: Packages and access modifiers—creating, importing packages, understanding public, private, protected, and default access.
Days 13-14: Exception handling—try-catch blocks, throw, throws, finally, custom exceptions.
Days 15-17: Java Collections Framework—Lists (ArrayList, LinkedList), Sets (HashSet, TreeSet), Maps (HashMap, TreeMap), iterators.
Days 18-20: Java I/O—file handling, byte and character streams, reading/writing files, serialization.
Days 21-22: Multithreading & Concurrency—threads, thread lifecycle, synchronization, concurrency utilities.
Days 23-24: Java Networking—working with URLs, sockets, client-server communication.
Days 25-26: Java GUI Programming—AWT and Swing basics, creating UI elements, event handling, layout management.
Days 27-28: JDBC—connecting to databases, executing SQL queries, working with ResultSet, Statement, and PreparedStatement.
Day 29: Java 8 Features—Lambda expressions, functional interfaces, Stream API, Date and Time API.
Day 30: Best practices and starting your own Java project.
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