Running is completely different to sprinting!! We must step out of the outlook and assume everyone can run fast! I still get it today with individuals highlighting that they can run, yet within a high speed environment are nowhere near. ⚡️ We have to be exposing players to high speed bouts of running ⚡️ We must be exposing athletes to the technical demands of high speed running (accelerations, max velocity, decelerations etc.) ⚡️ We need to understand the CNS system adaptations that we can get from sprinting from a athleticism perspective. #getsprinting #differenttorunning #movebetter #befaster
Important to consider the relative element of "running fast"...most people most of the time can make in roads on their relative speed, rather than being Usain Bolt in the absolute sense.
Translator and project manager
4moWhich is good sprinting for short distance to boost your stamina or long run in low pace because what I know is doing excessive running can lower our bone age