1. Build foundations and have a) Ontologies and b) data available - accessible, understandable, usable. 2. Create Knowledge Graphs connecting the data with appropriate semantics - based on a value use case. 3. Search & Find by Graph Browsing and using LLMs.
💊 Accurids' WHODrug IDMP-O Hackathon in Aachen 🌎 💻 Yesterday we conducted the first WHODrug IDMP-O Hackathon in our ACCURIDS offices in Aachen, Germany. Gathering key actors from various horizons (Pharma Companies, Medicinal Product Dictionary, Research Institutes...) we asked them to connect to #WHODrug Global, provided by Uppsala Monitoring Centre using an #IDMPO aligned #KnowledgeGraph. 🐝 With a BYO use case approach related to #ISO #IDMP #Standards, we could find synergies between the participants to dynamically shared knowledge, perspectives, opinions and address a particular need of theirs. A very buzzing day! 🚀 As a conclusion, tests of data, API queries, reporting and connection to key data objects (#PhPIDs, #GSIDs, strengths and dosages...) were signing-off a super-productive day where everybody could contribute and suggest innovative ways to interact with the augmented #WHODrug Global. 🙌 A special thanks to all our participants from BioNTech SE, Johnson & Johnson, Bayer, Posos, Fraunhofer FIT, Uniklinik Köln and, of course, Uppsala Monitoring Centre for their engagement and great contribution. See you next time! And you, will you come and connect with us❓
Member, OMG Architecture Board & Board of Directors at the Object Management Group
1moLooking forward to hearing what you've learned and how we need to revise / extend the IDMP-O ontology to improve on the results! Elisa