So farewell then DEI. You won’t be missed. The news that the government is banning all Civil Service diversity jobs is the latest sign that the world is slowly but surely waking up to the true horrors of Diversity, Equality & Inclusion (DEI) policies. It should be a line in the sand for organisations everywhere who are still wasting millions on creating pointless roles for pointless people. Cabinet minister Esther McVey says the government is cracking down on both spending on external DEI programmes and on jobs created solely to focus on diversity. Three cheers for that. The Diversity & Inclusion Manager is the worst kind of bureaucratic HR individual who uses woke orthodoxy to get power for themselves because they couldn’t get legitimacy in a normal way. Their so-called inclusive programmes and policies invariably turn out to be the exact opposite, excluding anyone who does not go along with this nonsense. They do nothing to grow the organisation they work for and simply waste everyone’s time with pointless box ticking exercises. The original idea of wokeness was well-meaning but just like the concept of political correctness before it, it has been hijacked by a bunch of privileged left-leaning liberals and morphed into something very different. It’s time to say enough is enough and send all the failed consultants and snake oil salespeople who have been busy pushing this nonsense on us back into irrelevant obscurity where they belong.
You have bought the pre election BS, they don't mean it and the next Govt will continue as we are today. Why has it taken 14 years to get here - oh an election is coming
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9moThis is going to end up like the Rwanda fiasco - it'll hit the news and then there will be all sorts of outrage and instead of just getting this immediately implemented there will be legal challenges and all sorts. Imagine being a lawyer who specialises in these sorts of things these days. They must be loving life at the moment! 🤣