Active travel infrastructure at it's finest, look at those faces :-)
The quality of life improvement metrics are off the scale!!!!
The excitement and joy on the faces of the children are a testament to the success of this initiative.
Children are getting vigorous exercise, endorphin rushes, excitement and fun, all on the way to school, absolutely wonderful, the perfect blueprint for school travel.
If we compared the children who cycled or scooted along this path consistently every week, against children arriving in cars, the active travel group will potentially have better gross motor skills, be physically stronger, have superior cardio and be tougher, due to building resilience from falling.
If the pathway had not been developed these children and families would have missed out on so much improved quality of life.
Now that we have the infrastructure, how do we get more families using it?
Did you know 40% of any school children in the UK cannot balance on any type of scooter and 30% of adults cannot balance on one either.
Traffic can be increased on the pathway if the 40% and 30% learned how to scoot and cycle, otherwise this group will never get to feel the outstanding benefits of active travel.
Once again well done St Helens and everybody involved, a resoundingly successful piece of infrastructure, we've worked in lots of St Helens schools and this is no surprise this piece of genius came from them.
Did you know, we opened a NEW active travel route last month?
As part of the By Ours Cowley Hill scheme, a brand new street lit and tree lined path was unveiled to help Rivington Primary pupils get to and from school easier.
#ICYMI, here's a video showing more👇
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