CIDS – Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Sciences’ Post

Visit our #exhibition //DataSpaces. Experiencing Science 🎉 Don’t miss the chance to discover the many intriguing facets of digital science in our exhibition! Explore current research topics from the CIDS and TU Dresden in this interactive showcase of science. If you’ve already been there, we’d love it if you shared your impressions – in this post – with others who might be interested. Let’s spread the word about this unique exhibition together! What can you experience? The exhibition //DataSpaces. Experiencing Science provides fascinating insights into current research projects by CIDS and TUD. Visitors can interact with the exhibits, e.g. manipulate swarms or traffic systems, train an AI, or explore the punch tape system that marked the beginnings of computer science – complete with your own punch tape experience! Showcases of historical artifacts from the university’s collection of early computing machines, such as the first “desktop computer” D4a, reveal the evolution of technology. The exhibition also features a unique approach to data visualization and digital science through artistic research, combining creativity and technology. What is it about? Science is a driving force in understanding and shaping the digital transformation reshaping our societies. Data serves as the foundation of our current digital era – a universal language, that science deciphers, making it accessible and usable. Ensuring transparency, security and accuracy in these processes are essential - key research topics of the CIDS. The exhibition makes these complex topics accessible by inviting visitors to shift their perspectives and engage in an interactive experience. Monika R., Robert Fischer, Maria Matthes and Brian Eschrich of the Interactive Science Lab (CIDS) developed  this exhibition bringing together research and student projects, historical objects, and art to offer a deep dive into the world of digital science. When and where? You can visit the exhibition until February 28th in the foyer of the Andreas Pfitzmann Bau (Faculty of Computer Science, Nöthnitzer Str. 46). Opening hours: Monday-Friday 10am-5pm For group visits or additional access, email Explore a variety of free guided tours and events! For dates and further details visit 📽️ Teresa Kamphausen #dataspaces #tudresden #interdisciplinaryscience #sciencecommunication

Raimund Dachselt

University Professor at Technische Universität Dresden


Very nice exhibition in our beautiful Computer Science building. Just one minor point: our university is officially called Dresden University of Technology (and not technical university ;-)

Mega coole Ausstellung zum "Anfassen" mit vielen schönen Beispielen, die die Welt der Daten erfahrbar macht. Auch die Abendveranstaltung Speed-Dating mit Wissenschaftler:innen muss wiederholt werden, das ist ein super Format. 🤩

Teresa Kamphausen

Sound Engineer | Science Communicator | Media-Design Enthusiast 🎓 Philosophy&Psychology


Robert Fischer Monika R. es hat so Spaß gemacht mit euch! Die Outtakes von diesem Reel sind definitiv priceless 😁

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