How to Land an SDR Role (For Real). It's tough to get a shot as an SDR right now. Here are some tips to make it EASIER: 👇
Awesome resource here!! Here a free guide to help land an SDR job with some similar stuff:
I'm waiting for your side hustle to start, this is great stuff 😎
Doing the job to get the job is going to make you stand out vs people who only mass apply.
Job hunters get in here, these are proven tips that works Cipriano
Detailed and superb as always.
Done this a few times. You got it 100% right. It's not a complicated process, just takes discipline and a few extra touch points to stand out against the crowd.
Treat it like you would a deal cycle 👏👏
Stand out, and exceed expectations Cipriano Martins
I Help and Hire People to Build Lucrative Sales Careers 🔥
10moBest way to make an impression through out the entire process is to send them a loom video after applying for a role, send a mock outbound sequence after your first interview, send a 30-60-90 day plan after your second interview, etc…. These are the the things 99% of SDR job seekers are not doing.