Looking for a smoking hot career? 🔥😏 #BoyntonBeach Fire Rescue is now accepting applications for Firefighter/Paramedics. Become part of a top notch team while making a difference in our community. Deadline to apply is Friday, December 27, 2024. View qualifications and apply online at Boynton-Beach.org.
City of Boynton Beach Official’s Post
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One of my biggest pet peeves is hearing that “events” are not a part of the job description as a firefighter. Maybe not, but prevention is. Getting out there and being seen IS prevention. Letting people know that as a fire department, we are a community asset, is one of the greatest parts of our jobs. Our job is not to just react to the event of a fire but do what we can to prevent these fires #fireprevention #preventinsteadofreact #firemarshal
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Auxiliary Firefighter Spotlight: TJ McNamara In July 2023, ten passionate individuals completed their training and orientation, becoming operational as auxiliary firefighters at City of Vernon Fire Station #3 on Predator Ridge Drive. Our auxiliary firefighters are more than just responders—they're pillars of our community, enhancing not only the safety and security of our community but bringing an added sense of safety to our residents. WHAT INSPIRED OR MOTIVATED YOU TO BECOME A VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTER IN OUR COMMUNITY? Two reasons: My wife wanted to join the volunteer department here and it was something that we could do together, which has been fun. The other was that I had an experience while driving from Vernon to Predator Ridge a couple of years back where I tried to 'help' a property owner that had a pretty major fire going on his property... that experience really taught me that I knew nothing about fire behaviour or the risks, which made me think about getting some real training. ARE THERE ANY SPECIFIC SKILLS OR TRAINING YOU'VE ACQUIRED AS A FIREFIGHTER THAT YOU FIND PARTICULARLY VALUABLE OR INTERESTING? Incident Command Systems. Seeing under the hood of how different organizations can come together to communicate effectively, delegate responsibility, and work as team to solve dynamic situations has been very interesting to me. WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO SOMEONE CONSIDERING BECOMING A VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTER? Don't wait. Jump in. It is rewarding. Learn more about TJ and his experience as an auxiliary firefighter: https://loom.ly/eXWDofo
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🔥🛠️ Every firefighter knows the value of their tools, and among the most essential is the Halligan bar. 💪 Named after its inventor, Hugh Halligan, this versatile tool is a true lifesaver in the field. From forcible entry to search and rescue missions, it's the Swiss Army knife of firefighting. Here's why it's a firefighter's best friend: 🛠️Forcible Entry: Whether it's prying open doors or breaking through obstacles, the Halligan's pry bar end is unmatched. It gives us the leverage needed to access buildings quickly during emergencies. 🛠️Versatility: With its adze and forked end, the Halligan can perform a variety of tasks. From breaking windows to pulling down walls, there's hardly a challenge it can't tackle. 🛠️Search and Rescue: When lives are at stake, every second counts. The Halligan's versatility comes into play during search and rescue operations, helping us navigate through debris and reach those in need. 🛠️Durability: Built to withstand the toughest conditions, the Halligan is a tool we can rely on in the heat of the moment. It's made to endure the rigors of firefighting, ensuring it's always ready when called upon. 🛠️Teamwork: Like any tool, the Halligan is most effective when used in conjunction with others. It's a symbol of teamwork and camaraderie among firefighters, reminding us that together, we're stronger. So here's to the unsung hero of the firefighting world - the Halligan bar. 🚒🔥 Next time you see one in action, remember the vital role it plays in keeping our communities safe. #HalliganBar Captain Muhammad Saqib
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Today a bit off topic from IT, to one of my personal passions outside the job. I managed to certify as "Atemschutzgeräteträger" and spent a lot of my free time. Having volunteer firefighters is crucial to our community's safety and well-being. These dedicated individuals provide essential services, often in times of crisis, ensuring that every call for help is met with a swift and capable response. Volunteer firefighters bring a deep sense of commitment and community spirit, often stepping away from their daily lives to protect and save others. Their selfless contributions help bridge the gap in areas where professional firefighting resources might be limited, ensuring that even the most vulnerable communities are covered in times of emergency. Personally, I am passionate about being a volunteer firefighter because I truly love to help people. There is immense satisfaction in knowing that my actions can make a real difference in someone’s life. Whether it's rescuing someone from a dangerous situation, providing comfort in times of distress, or simply being a reassuring presence, I find purpose and fulfillment in serving my community. The bonds formed with fellow volunteers and the gratitude from those we've assisted reinforce my dedication to this noble cause. Being a volunteer firefighter is not just about fighting fires; it's about being there for people when they need it most, and that is a commitment I hold close to my heart. #readyfortakeoff #firefighter #hobby #passion
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Thinking about what a day in the life of a firefighter is really like gives us insight into a world that many of us only see from a distance. The various tasks they navigate each day showcase not only their physical strength but also their mental resilience. Recently, I came across an article that takes you through the daily responsibilities of a firefighter. It paints a vivid picture of how they manage emergencies, work as a cohesive unit, and engage with their communities. These individuals aren't just responding to fires; they are tackling challenges that require split-second decision-making and unwavering teamwork. This article serves as a reminder of the critical roles that first responders play in our lives. It emphasizes the importance of community support and understanding the demands placed on these professionals. What can we do to better appreciate and support our local first responders? Perhaps we could start by learning more about their work and the challenges they face on the ground. I’d love to hear your thoughts! https://lnkd.in/e923EWr6
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The Wichita Police & Fire Foundation would like for you to say HELLO and a big THANK YOU to Firefighter Becker from the Wichita Fire Department. Firefighter Becker has been with the Wichita Fire Department for almost 2 years, and is currently assigned to Station 1. 🔥We asked Firefighter Becker, the following questions. 💥💥What advice would you give someone interested in becoming a firefighter? 💥The best advice I can give is to be in the best shape physically and mentally. It’s not just a job, it’s a lifestyle. 💥💥What do you find most rewarding about your job? 💥Being a Firefighter basically gives you direct feedback on any call. For example, a house fire in which a victim is rescued and you get to see the whole process, from the rescue to EMS. Again, THANK YOU Firefighter Becker for taking a few minutes to share a few thoughts of your career with us.
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The Wichita Police & Fire Foundation would like for you to say HELLO and a big THANK YOU to Firefighter Becker from the Wichita Fire Department. Firefighter Becker has been with the Wichita Fire Department for almost 2 years, and is currently assigned to Station 1. We asked Firefighter Becker, the following questions. What advice would you give someone interested in becoming a firefighter? ➡️➡️ The best advice I can give is to be in the best shape physically and mentally. It’s not just a job, it’s a lifestyle. 🚒🔥🚒 What do you find most rewarding about your job? ➡️➡️ Being a Firefighter basically gives you direct feedback on any call. For example, a house fire in which a victim is rescued and you get to see the whole process, from the rescue to EMS.
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🦎👀 Check out these tips to stay safe if you're ever caught in a rip current! #ehs #safety #hiring #manufacturing #construction #beach #summer
🌊 ⚠ Rip currents account for over 100 deaths per a year. Victims are not violently drug under it's the massive exhaustion created when fighting the current. These currents move at 8 mph on average.... Olympic swimmers hit 5 mph. Fighting against it is a losing plan. 📢 This general information can help save lives. Be prepared, have a plan and stay safe on those wonderful beach days! 🏖 #ehs #safety #hiring #safetycareers #ehscareers #ehsjobs #datacenter #manufacturing #construction
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How I spend my spare time…..as an On-Call Firefighter. It’s great role and carries the responsibility of being someone others turn to when disaster strikes. This afternoon we were called to a road traffic collision and were tasked with removing the roof from the vehicle to extricate a trapped individual (thankfully not critically injured). As an on-call firefighter, you’re not stationed at a station when on duty but instead you carry a pager or app, ready to respond whenever an emergency arises. This could mean dashing off in the middle of family dinners or movie nights, or being woken up in the middle of the night to rush to a fire station and head out to help. Luckily I have only been caught out in the shower the once! Juggling firefighting with a full-time job and a young family is a challenge, but it’s also deeply rewarding. If you’re looking for a way to challenge yourself in 2025, gain new skills, and make a tangible impact, it might just be the role for you. Being an on-call firefighter isn’t easy, but it’s one of the most rewarding roles imaginable 👍
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