What I’m grateful for, Day 13
In my backyard are two beautiful trees, each with its own unique charm. I’m not sure what kind they are, but I love them! Today, I noticed something interesting: one of the trees has already shed all its leaves, ready for winter. The other, however, holds on fiercely, its branches still clutching a good portion of its leaves.
It made me think about how these trees mirror human behavior. Sometimes, like the second tree, we hold on tightly to things in our lives. Our intentions are often good - we may fear losing control at work, letting go as our children grow, or parting with something that has defined us for so long. Whatever the reason, the grip can feel reassuring, as if holding on is the key to stability.
But what struck me is that holding on isn’t always the answer. Nature seems to know this instinctively. The first tree is already preparing for renewal, for rest and eventual new growth. The other tree, stubbornly clinging to its leaves, reminds me of the struggle we sometimes face in letting go. Whether it’s fear of change, attachment to the familiar, or simply uncertainty about what comes next, we resist. Yet, just like those trees, we also need seasons to grow and thrive.
There’s beauty in both approaches - tenacity and readiness to change each have their place. The key, I think, lies in learning when to let go and trust the process.
So, today I’m grateful that I continue to learn when to be tenacious and when to let go. And I’m super grateful for these trees!