“Freedom is an essential ingredient to love, setting proper boundaries and healthy relationships. When we feel like any kind of relationship infringes upon or reduces our freedom, we naturally resent this. When we feel like we are losing our freedom, we tend to withdraw so we can express our freedom and individually elsewhere, unimpeded. In order to be secure and comfortable in a relationship, we must know that the other person has freely chosen to be with us out of desire, instead of need or necessity. The only way to know if someone has chosen us freely and enthusiastically is to give them the space and time to choose us, someone else or no one at all.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne Get Quotes, Ruminations & Contemplations Volume 2 FREE with an Audible trial:
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“Feelings of jealousy are simply fearing that you are not good enough to have someone love you for you. This leads to controlling behavior when their actions do not meet your expectations. When you try to control those you love or who you want to be loved by, they naturally will feel an impending loss of freedom. This will lead to rejection, arguments, drama and unnecessary problems. You must give others the space to choose to be with you, or not. If you seek to force their hand, manipulate them or control them into choosing you or staying with you, your fear based actions will make what you fear a reality and they will leave you to seek someone who gives them the freedom, unconditional love and respect that they deserve.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne Get Quotes, Ruminations & Contemplations Volume 2 FREE with an Audible trial:
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“Love cannot exist where there is no trust. Dishonest liars and cheaters believe that given the right circumstances, everyone would lie and cheat. It is not wise or realistic to enter into exclusive, monogamous relationships with people who have a history of lying and cheating and expect them to be faithful and honor their commitments. Why? They simply do not value loyalty or commitments based upon their previous actions. If you are going to be romantically involved with partners who are incapable of being faithful, it’s best to have an open relationship or a friends with benefits type of relationship that honors their true nature, or find someone else to date who shares your goals and values.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne Get Quotes, Ruminations & Contemplations Volume 2 FREE with an Audible trial:
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“Liars and cheaters tend to believe that everyone lies and cheats. They learned in childhood that telling the truth and being honest is too risky. In their eyes, it’s better to lie and avoid confrontations at all costs. People can hide who they really are for about ninety days of a relationship. You must look at what people do, not what they say, as a true barometer of who they really are. Dating is like test-driving a used car. You can’t know what you’ve really got until you spend a significant amount of time together. Love cannot exist without trust. Take your time, good relationships are worth the wait and stand the test of time. As the old saying goes, haste really does make waste.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne Get Quotes, Ruminations & Contemplations Volume 2 FREE with an Audible trial:
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“When we seek to control another person, we are really doing so out of our own desire to gain structure and certainty about ourselves. It is simply a projection of our own feelings of inadequacy and lack onto another person. If they do what we want, we feel secure in ourselves. If they don’t, it simply reminds us of how out of control and insecure we feel about ourselves. The true path to love and successful relationships is freedom. When we feel free to love and accept ourselves, we feel free to love another as they are without trying to change them or make them into what we think they should be. True love is about two complete people sharing their completeness, not completing each other.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne Get Quotes, Ruminations & Contemplations Volume 2 FREE with an Audible trial:
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“The quality of intimacy in your relationship is in direct proportion to the quality of the questions that you consistently ask your lover. You should never assume the best or the worst when your lover says something that makes you feel like withdrawing or holding back. So instead of assuming anything and acting upon your assumptions, get used to asking, “what do you mean?” or “please explain what you mean by that because I don’t understand where you are coming from” to elicit their true intentions, thoughts and feelings. Otherwise, you risk putting your foot in your mouth and causing unnecessary drama.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne Get Quotes, Ruminations & Contemplations Volume 2 FREE with an Audible trial:
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“Love is supposed to be playful and fun, not serious and full of drama. Humor, charm, love of life, playful banter and making your lover or potential lover smile and laugh, is the most effective tool you can use to diffuse a tense situation, dissolve anger and hurt, and cause someone to become loving, sweet, affectionate, horny and desire you again when they have become cold and distant. Skillfully using humor and being playful is an essential characteristic of any great seducer, lover and man who is universally loved by women and other people. Remaining calm, loving, playful and sweet despite the best attempts of others to agitate, irritate and diminish you, enables you to talk anyone into anything, make allies of enemies and soften even the hardest heart. It’s impossible for someone to remain pissed and angry at you when they’re laughing.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne Get Quotes, Ruminations & Contemplations Volume 2 FREE with an Audible trial:
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“S*x and making love is the most fun two human beings can have together without their clothes on. We’re all divine beings having a human experience. Therefore, if two people want each other, desire each other, have s*x or make love, it’s really no one else’s business. It’s between them and the creator. Too many people in this world are too concerned about the sexuality and sexual habits of other people instead of taking care of their own lives. Lead by example if your beliefs differ from others. If your example is superior, people will follow you. If not, maybe you should look inward and question your own beliefs and where they really came from in the first place.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne Get Quotes, Ruminations & Contemplations Volume 2 FREE with an Audible trial:
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“No one will ever do or say anything to you that you don’t invite them to do. When you fail to stand up for yourself and what you want in your relationships, the other person usually sees your weakness. A loving person would help you heal your weakness with support, encouragement and unconditional love. A selfish, inept, uncaring or manipulative person will seek to control you and mold you into what they want, and get angry with you when you don’t live up to their unreasonable expectations. Demand that everyone who you are in relationship with respect your boundaries and treat you with the proper respect, appreciation and love that you know you deserve through their actions, and not just their flowery language. If after communicating what you want with love to your partner, they still do not change their behavior or give you want you want, you have the choice to either accept them as they are without expecting them to change, or let them go so you can find someone who is ideally suited to you. The right person will make a mutual effort and not let you go so easily because they value you. Those who don’t truly value you or themselves will let you go. Let them, it takes two to make a relationship work. Make sure other people continually choose you also.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne Get Quotes, Ruminations & Contemplations Volume 2 FREE with an Audible trial:
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“Dating is supposed to be full of fun, mystery, excitement and romance. Not needy, possessive, controlling, jealous or insecure behavior that is a constant source of drama and complications. Acting inadequate or unworthy is the quickest way to cause the other person to feel like being with you infringes upon their free will and freedom. If you have weaknesses you are working on trying to overcome, you must learn to act in ways that respect the freedom, personal space, desire and feelings of those you love, and those who you want to be loved by. Love is about giving, not possessing or controlling another person so you feel good about yourself. If you don’t feel good about yourself or your life, get your s**t together first, so you can ensure you’re not simply looking for another person to make you happy.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne Get Quotes, Ruminations & Contemplations Volume 2 FREE with an Audible trial:
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“In the beginning of a relationship people can mask who they really are for about the first 90 days until they feel comfortable enough and complacent enough to really be themselves. It is important during the first 90 days of dating to remain objective and not get carried away by your emotions, or you will open yourself up to falling for a toxic person who does nothing but bring drama, heartbreak and inconsistency into your life. Toxic people and relationships will make you unsure of yourself and feel like you don’t deserve what you really want. Once your identity and emotions become attached to a toxic person, it can be extremely difficult to do the right thing for you and walk away to find someone else who will cherish and love you unconditionally.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne Get Quotes, Ruminations & Contemplations Volume 2 FREE with an Audible trial:
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