My latest post about finding the true direction for your life.
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Are you exactly where you are meant to be? The problem is I think that many of us are caught up in the flow of what’s expected: that we can find ourselves sleep walking through work and life never having the time to consider; am I climbing the right ladder? Am I striving for the right thing? Is this actually what I want? I was cosied up in front of the fire watching MasterChef the professionals last night and one young contestant did so well that Marcus Waring (one of the judges) said it was probably the best skills test he had ever seen in his 10 years on the show. She was really choked and chuffed. When she came out of the kitchen they did the usual exit interview and she said she felt somewhat overwhelmed but had a huge sense that “this is who I'm meant to be; this is where I’m meant to be; this is what I meant to be doing” Wow! So young and to be so clear about her path and purpose in life. For many of us it’s not that clear and it takes time, self-reflection and self-awareness to uncover that for ourselves. And in the meantime, if we don’t take that time we can end up climbing the ladder than someone else, or society or some hidden pressure that we’ve not uncovered is driving us in the wrong direction. Deep down we kinda know but we often keep the lid on it. But it feels uncomfortable, like we’re in conflict with ourselves. What happens if you ask yourself that question today? Are you where you are meant to be? Believe me, I know it can be challenging to answer - I’ve been there. I also know that finding the right ladder can take time and it helps to have support and challenge and sometimes some structure through which to explore is helpful. I've had loads of help along the way and I’ve coached hundreds of people on this very topic and journeyed with people to find their north star, purpose, true direction, correct ladder, who they are meant to be - whatever you want to call it. Today I (mostly) am where I want to be. And if you’re curious about exploring that you can find my CoCreate your Future reflection workbook in my profile with some information and starting points to get you thinking. “If the ladder is not leaning against the right wall, every step we take just gets us to the wrong place faster.” Stephen R. Covey