Through the adoption of sustainable farming practices, the global community is actively working towards restoring the natural ecosystem. This endeavor seeks to achieve not only sufficient food production for humanity but also to safeguard the land, ensuring its fertility for future generations.
Prior to the implementation of the ambitious 1 million-hectare rice project, it's essential to highlight smaller-scale yet environmentally friendly agricultural models.
👉 Rice-clam worm model in Hai Duong, Hai Phong, and Thai Binh, which promotes circular and green agriculture, aiding in greenhouse gas reduction
👉 In the Central Highlands, farmers are adopting sustainable practices by turning agricultural by-products into biological fertilizer instead of burning them, thereby mitigating greenhouse effects.
👉 Rice-shrimp cultivation in Ca Mau, where rice fields double as shrimp hatcheries, reducing costs and eliminating the need for chemical pesticides
The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) is developing new criteria for agricultural production, such as the percentage of green rice in exports, to meet evolving market demands. While changing habits and mindsets may be challenging, embracing green agriculture is imperative for a sustainable future.
If you are cooperatives, associations, businessmen or anyone who have strong interest in how to set up or implement it, please comment or DM us - SATY RICE FARM to support your sustainable agriculture transformation.
Source: Vietnamnetglobal
SATY - An Ecosystem of a Sustainable Agriculture
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