How to Make a Traditional Macchiato
How to Make a Traditional Macchiato
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How to Make a Traditional Macchiato
How to Make a Traditional Macchiato
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🌍 The Future of Logistics: Exploring digitalization, green technologies, and leadership in transforming the industry—read more in my interview with Women in Adria Bosna i Hercegovina.
Liderstvo je, kaže, sposobnost inspiriranja ljudi da ostvare svoj puni potencijal. Pročitajte više:
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💡These are the numbers for past months representing Slovak 🇸🇰 industrial market + forecast of expecting constructions coming up. Do not hesitate to check the link below and I am happy to answer your additional questions!💪 #cbre #industrial #H2 #warehouse #production #logistic #3PL #automotive #slovakia
🚀 Slovensko čaká výrazný rast nových logistických a priemyselných priestorov v roku 2024! ✨ Očakáva sa dokončenie až 330 000 m² nových priestorov! 📈 Prenájmová aktivita v druhom kvartáli 2024 dosiahla 180 000 m² (+92% oproti prvému kvartálu). 🚗 Najviac prenajatých plôch: automobilový sektor (31%) a 3PL sektor (27%). 💶 Priemerný nájom: 4,90 €/m² na mesiac (+5% v porovnaní s rovnakým obdobím minulého roka). Aká je aktuálna miera neobsadenosti priestorov ❓ Aké faktory sú rozhodujúce pri výbere týchto priestorov ❓ To sa dozviete v našom novom článku na ➡️
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Customer testimonial: "⭐️ Thrilled to receive this glowing 5-star review from one of our amazing clients for Consult Kriba Export Consultancy! 🌟 Check out what they had to say about their experience with us. Ready to elevate your export game? Don't miss out! Register for our upcoming session through the link below. 🚀 #ClientTestimonial #ExportConsultancy #5StarReview #GrowWithKriba"
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Your feedback is vital to us. If our team at Gailor Hunt Davis Taylor & Gibbs has supported you effectively, kindly leave us a five-star review at #TestimonialTuesday #FamilyLawSupport
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Only one blockchain is capable of scaling to become the new backbone of global settlements and payments:
90million transactions in 24hrs .. on chain and before teranode has kicked in to action ... just imagine this chart when teranode is up and running.
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Which industry do you believe utilizes more kaolin? Share your insights in the comment. #kaolin #kaolinusage #industryinsights #poll
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Today - Tomorrow - 5S
Uvijek je preseljenje procesa unutar postojeće ili druge proizvodne hale dobro iskoristiti za generalno čišćenje i sortiranje svih elemenata procesa. I nakon toga svakodnevno održavati potpuni red na radnom mjestu 👍 5S metoda. Rad na prvom S, tj. uklanjaju svih nepotrebnih stvari. Tu je naš Fahrudin Brackovic i vrijedna ekipa PIMS Elektro Oprema d.o.o.
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so, the real luxury is TIME.
Pravo bogatstvo je sloboda vremena i sitnice koje život čine vrednim. Sloboda vremena je najvrednija oblik bogatstva.
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