Just the other day, I hopped on a Zoom call with a team of 15 amazing people from across the globe. We are all working on a project that I'm super pumped about (more on that later!), and this was our first official "meet and greet." The Co-Founder (stay tuned for the big reveal) kicked things off with a fantastic icebreaker: for the next 30 minutes, we each had to introduce ourselves with the phrase "you would know me better if..."
Suddenly, the guards melted away. People shared their hobbies, pet peeves, even their silliest quirks. I confessed my worst inability – the ability to cook! It felt real, and it reminded me that knowing who someone is matters just as much as knowing what they do.
Bringing this home to Intuition Collective; we've been growing like crazy lately, with lots of new faces joining the team. The "you would know me better if" idea isn't just a fun icebreaker; it's a powerful way to connect and build a truly awesome, high performing team.
At some point, knowing your team can be as important as knowing your family. At some point, we are all required to find comfort not just in our homes, but also in our workplaces. At some point, workplaces become our second homes. So let us treat them like a home.
Director of Marketing and Communications
2moThank you Cogitate for an amazing night out! I love visiting the home office! :)