This week our students entered the🪞Mirrorverse, a realm where fairytales, legends, and paintings come to life. In our first encounter the students helped Robin Hood answer the question “does the end justify the means?”. Through this we explored the concept of perspective, how to understand and appreciate different points of view and how to approach problems from various angles. Are things always as they seem? Does it have to be ⬛ and ⬜ or can there be areas of grey? What can we ask to unlock different perspectives? We believe that delving deeper into this topic will help our students develop mental flexibility, better communication skills and empathy - skills needed for the modern 🌏 world!
Collaboration Laboratory’s Post
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Widening young people’s vocabulary isn’t just about the formation of ‘better’ sentences. Words are the power tools that enable us optimal interaction with the world. 🌍 In the process of disseminating words that more specifically label an experienced emotion, individuals are benefitted with insight into how to more effectively distinguish between emotions – for example, anger and sadness (Chavez et al., 2022). In so doing, they are less likely to be overwhelmed by their responses, get along with others and do well at school (Weir, 2023) as they are empowered to read emotional cues (Norman et al., 2021) whilst nurturing effective responses to both their own and others’ feelings (Gerwitz, 2020).
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These skills really cover the full spectrum of emotional intelligence, from self-awareness to social interactions.
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I make these short visual stories to answer some common questions people ask me during everyday conversations. Latest one - what exactly is Emotional Intelligence?
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To check your Emotional Intelligence (EI). Your Score: 13/20 Not bad. Your score places you around the average at reading expressions. And research suggests that people can improve their emotion recognition skills with practice. So keep an eye out for our forthcoming empathy training tool, designed to boost your emotional intelligence.
Emotional Intelligence Quiz
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Listening isn’t a solo act; it’s a collaborative one. Too often, we treat empathy as a performance. Trying to show how well we understand people, we end up missing the cues that could help us truly connect. Perspective-getting leans into another idea: Every conversation is a joint project, done best when we make space to learn from one another. #Empathy #PerspectiveGetting #Looping
How to Become a More Empathetic Listener
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Listening isn’t a solo act; it’s a collaborative one. Too often, we treat empathy as a performance. Trying to show how well we understand people, we end up missing the cues that could help us truly connect. Perspective-getting leans into another idea: Every conversation is a joint project, done best when we make space to learn from one another. #Empathy #PerspectiveGetting #Looping
How to Become a More Empathetic Listener
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Listening isn’t a solo act; it’s a collaborative one. Too often, we treat empathy as a performance. Trying to show how well we understand people, we end up missing the cues that could help us truly connect. Perspective-getting leans into another idea: Every conversation is a joint project, done best when we make space to learn from one another. #Empathy #PerspectiveGetting #Looping #msftadvocate
How to Become a More Empathetic Listener
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We discuss the concept of cognitive dissonance, where we have two opposing thoughts that don’t make sense, like ‘Does he love me? Does he not love me?’ This leads us to create a false reality to stay in a bad relationship. I encourage you to look at the person’s actions, not just their words, to see the truth about the relationship. #CognitiveDissonance #RelationshipTruth #NarcissisticAbuse #ActionOverWords #hth2
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Listening isn’t a solo act; it’s a collaborative one. Too often, we treat empathy as a performance. Trying to show how well we understand people, we end up missing the cues that could help us truly connect. Perspective-getting leans into another idea: Every conversation is a joint project, done best when we make space to learn from one another. #Empathy #PerspectiveGetting #Looping
How to Become a More Empathetic Listener
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Thank you Vanina Todorova for coming up with such a brilliant challenge!