🔹Today, 132 years ago, on 25 November 1892, Pierre de Coubertin initiated the modern Olympic Games when he introduced his idea in a speech at the occasion of the 5th anniversary of the Union des Societés Francaise de Sport Athletique. He said: 🔸 “As for athletics in general, I am ignorant of its destiny; but I wish to draw your attention to the important fact that it presents two new features (…). It is democratic and international. (…) Let us export rowers, runners and fencers; this is the free trade of the future, and the day that it is introduced into the mores of old Europe, the cause of peace will receive new and powerful support. (…) That is sufficient to encourage me now to think about the second part of my programme. I hope that you will assist me as you have done thus far, and that, with you, I shall be able to continue and accomplish, on a basis in keeping with the conditions of modern life, this grandiose and beneficent work: the re-establishment of the Olympic Games.” ➡️ The full speech of Pierre de Coubertin in English and French at The Olympic Studies Centre: https://lnkd.in/e7WrKPKe
3moEXtraordinario y lindo recordatorio para Humanidad del mundo el legado que nos dejo PERRE DE COBERTIN a restablecer los juegos Olimpicos modernos en 1896 quien inicio en 18 92.