Confluent’s Post

The Connect with Confluent Q4 update is here! We’re so excited to welcome five new partner integrations to the program, each providing seamless connectivity with our data streaming platform: ✨ SAP Datasphere Sink: Hydrate ERP data with real-time information from other business systems. ✨ Amazon Web Services (AWS) IoT Core: Enrich IoT device data to deliver real-time, actionable insights. ✨ CelerData Analyze data streams with a StarRocks-powered SQL engine. ✨ Kong Inc. Provide a standardized API layer across Confluent data streams. ✨ Lightstreamer: Deliver Kafka events to web and mobile apps with reliability and ease. Plus, we’ve updated our Elastic connectors to enhance customization and simplify operations on the enterprise search AI platform. Get all the details in our latest blog ->

  • graphical user interface, application

Lightstreamer is thrilled to be featured among the new partners in the Connect with Confluent program! 🎉 Thank you, Confluent, for this exciting opportunity!

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