Content Engineers’ Post

#ContentIsKing nothing beats a relatable and unique content. Utpal Acharya Content Engineers .

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Chief Executive Officer @ Content Engineers | Business Relationship Management l NMIMS l JNU

At the cost of repeataion the entertainment industry again has realised that original, relatable and rooted content has mass acceptance and there is no 2nd thought about it. Overkill of marketing is passé ; organic, relatable and optimum marketing is the buzz word. Gen ‘Z’ are way smarter than we can visualise, so let’s not confuse our TG while creating our content. A robust foolproof research of script is another harsh reality of the day. Pallabi Purkayastha Content Engineers Imple Ahuja Kumar Kaustubh Shivraj Khaware Raj Khaware Financial Express (India) #brandwagon #FinancialExpress #FE #CE #ContentEngr

The wait just got longer

The wait just got longer

Shyam Maheshwari

Co-writer: MS Dhoni, Writer-Director: Charandas Chor (marathi) Jury- IFFI Goa


Bulaiye kabhi sir, for original and well researched script/s....😊🙏


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