COST Association - European Cooperation in Science and Technology’s Post

A great pleasure for us to talk to researchers at the Universitatea Politehnica din Timişoara for our latest COST Info Session. Thanks for joining us for an engaging discussion. Many thanks also to the 11 current COST Action participants from the university who pitched their research network in our speed pitch session, showcasing COST Actions as unique networking opportunities and their many benefits such as Training Schools and Short-term Scientific Missions. "I am very much impressed by the benefits that Young Researchers can take by participating to COST Actions: they will develop their network and boost their career” Anamaria Todea, Young Researcher + ITC Conference Manager for COZYME - COST action CA21162 We look forward to seeing ever increasing engagement from the R&I community at University Politehnica Timisoara. Learn more about current Romanian participation in COST Actions: With Salomé Moezzi-Gacon, Bart Veys, Liviu Marsavina, Duteanu Narcis, Rares Halbac-Cotoara-Zamfir, Daniel Luís Nunes, Sebastian Muntean, Pop Nicolina, Ladislau Vekas, and Cernescu Anghel #COSTactions #ScienceWithoutBorders

  • Room painted in green with a grand ceiling and decorative gold details on the walls. Many large green leather chairs are positioned in a half circle in front a front desk for panel speakers. Taken during a COST Info Session in Romania
  • Close up of the panel, a young woman researchers is speaking to the audience infront of a projector screen that says "COSYME COST Action" which she represents.

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