This highlights the crucial need for mental health resources and effective monitoring systems. At CourtFact, we understand the importance of addressing mental health challenges in the journey towards rehabilitation. Our technology provides robust tracking of compliance and wellness, ensuring that individuals receive the support they need to thrive and reduce recidivism rates. Let's work together to make a difference. Schedule a demo today to learn how our solutions can support those in need! 🌐 #CourtFact #LegalResources #LegalTech #CourtSystem #Probation #Rehabilitation #Incarceration #RestorativeJustice #CaseManagement #CommunitySupervision #Communication #Accountability #Treatment #ReduceRecidivism
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To continue with the theme of Recovery Month 2024, I’d like to share that Neuro Nuance Therapy and EMDR is a person in recovery owned business. My recovery began in 2012 and I can absolutely say that without quality treatment, aftercare, and the ongoing support of the recovery community Neuro Nuance would not exist today. As a professional, there are those who feel we should keep our personal lives out of the clinical context. I avoid sharing unnecessary details or harping on it, but I choose to recover out loud personally and professionally. I can remember how much it meant to me to have people I looked up to let me know they didn’t always have it all together and recovery is possible. In theory, recovery is a great idea. But when people are living breathing examples it makes it real. #recoverymonth #addictionrecovery #livedexperience #hope #nationalrecoverymonth #recoveryispossible Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
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Mental health care access for BIPOC individuals is often a hurdle. At Psychologists of Color, we're fervently advocating for diversity and equality. Our mission? To cultivate an inclusive, fair space in the mental health sector. Let's band together, let's inspire change, let's create a more inclusive society. Stand with us. Want to know more about our efforts to enhance mental health care access for BIPOC individuals? See the first comment. #ChampionDiversity #EqualityInHealthcare #StandWithPsychologistsOfColor #BIPOCMentalHealth #InspireChange #psychologistsofcolor
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I understand that there are a lot of impressions and stereotypes that come with the word “therapy;” especially for first responders. Therapy is so much more than sitting on a couch and me asking “how does that make you feel?” (Thanks media for that stereotype 🙄) I am passionate and motivated to reduce the stigma surrounding mental health and attending therapy. The relationship between therapist and client is crucial as it is a factor in our clients healing journey. Clients should not feel they need to apologize for having feelings, showing vulnerability, crying, or for just being human. Clients are taking a chance by meeting with a stranger. It is our job to provide empathy, compassion, and a space that allows others to heal and grow. As a police wife, I can tell you it is a relief to know my husband has a neutral and supportive space with his therapist - they can be hard to come by for the first responder population. I feel very honored and humbled to be able to provide that space and work with the first responder community. It is an honor to be entrusted by those who are used to society painting them as “the enemy.” As long as there is a need, I will be there to provide an accepting and supportive space for healing. #firstrespondermentalhealth #firstrespondertherapist #healingjourney #mentalhealthmatters #therapyiscool #emdr #ohiofirstresponders
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At CMHA Peel Dufferin, we recognize that understanding the history of mental health services for Indigenous peoples is a crucial step towards meaningful reconciliation. The impact of settler-colonialism, including the devastating legacy of residential schools, has left deep scars on Indigenous mental health. Today, many Indigenous communities continue to face significant barriers in accessing the care they need. On this National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, let’s reflect on this history and learn how we can support Indigenous-led mental health and healing efforts. #TruthAndReconciliation #MentalHealthForAll #IndigenousWellness
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Therapy is inherently political. The beliefs, values, and biases of a therapist can influence the therapeutic process, shaping how they understand issues of identity, justice, and equity. As clients, you have the right to seek a therapist whose values align with your own or, at the very least, are transparent and respectful of your lived experiences. Understanding who your therapist is voting for may seem personal, but it’s a question of alignment and trust in the therapeutic space. When therapists are willing to be open about their values, it empowers clients to make informed choices about their mental health support. Remember, therapy is about YOU. Don’t hesitate to ask questions that matter to your sense of safety, respect, and authenticity in the therapeutic relationship. #Therapy #MentalHealth #ClientRights #Transparency
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#Mentalhealth and #substanceuse disorders are often connected. During #NationalPreventionWeek24 learn about prevention and mental health promotion best practices & new initiatives from experts in the field:
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#Mentalhealth and #substanceuse disorders are often connected. During #NationalPreventionWeek24 learn about prevention and mental health promotion best practices & new initiatives from experts in the field:
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