Criat’s Post

⬇️Here is our analysis of the latest credit risk dynamics in Asian Investment-grade US dollar bond markets⬇️ External rating agencies' results often lag and do not accurately reflect the latest credit status of issuers. 🌟 Unlike the Through-the-Cycle (TTC) ratings by external agencies, Criat's Point-in-Time (PIT) ratings, with dynamic updates, can quickly capture the latest credit risk dynamics and reflect the most recent changes in credit risk🌟 To comprehensively analyze the true state of the Asian investment-grade USD bond market, we selected all USD bonds currently rated as investment-grade by Moody's and S&P in Southeast Asia, China, Japan, and South Korea. We conducted an in-depth analysis of their true risk levels (with Criat PD) and their corresponding yield conditions (Z-spread) from the perspective of each economy: - Risk Level: Although these bonds are all rated as investment-grade by external ratings, their true risks vary significantly. Investment-grade USD bonds from Hong Kong and Indonesia have relatively higher risk levels, while those from Singapore, Japan, and Malaysia have relatively lower risk levels. - Yield Level: The Z-spread of investment-grade USD bonds also shows significant differentiation. Bonds from Indonesia and Thailand have higher yields, while those from Singapore, Japan, China, and South Korea have relatively lower yields. - Risk-return Ratio: We evaluated the risk-return ratio of each economy by dividing the Z-spread by the PD. The results show that Singapore, Japan, Malaysia, and Thailand have the highest investment efficiency. However, it is important to note that although investment-grade USD bonds from Singapore and Japan are known for their low default risk, their overall yield levels are relatively low, with Z-spreads of around 45bps and 63bps, respectively. In contrast, Malaysia's yield is slightly higher, with a Z-spread of about 95bps. Thailand has the highest yield among these four economies, with a Z-spread of about 128bps, but its risk level is also relatively high, with an overall PD of about 21bps. To find out more about our credit risk insights, message us or email referencing the LinkedIn post. #financialtechnology #innovation #investmentmanagement #creditrisk #creditanalytics #economicanalysis #economy #countryrisk #assetmanagement The TRADE News Financial Times Nikkei Asia Reuters The Wall Street Journal Bloomberg News The Australian Financial Review The Business Times

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Roy S.

Innovating and specialized in AI, IT, Finance, now Art & Design (Fonts & Typography). Equipped with EMBA methodology, finance knowledge, and engineering mindset. Ready to change the world!


1. Will you consider the supporting from mainland China for HK bonds when conducting the risks analysis? 2. How about the Vietnamese bonds?


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