EDIH Crowd in Motion’s Post

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View profile for Giovanna Galasso

Intellera consulting - Partner, EU Account Lead

Today we had a very insightful meeting of the AI4PA EDIH working group at #EDIH_network_Summit 2024 covering the following topics: Scene setting on the AI Act implementation and impact on the public sector Martin Ulbrich, #AIOffice Luca Tangi #JRC The AI TEF ecosystem and potential synergies with EDIHs Giovanna Galasso #CoordinaTEF Petra Dalunde  CitCom.ai TEF – Testing AI and Robotics in Smart Communities.AI EDIHs Success stories on support to the public sector in activities that could be relevant for the AI Act implementation (i.e. sandbox, testing, compliance) Babette Bakker Dutch Societal Innovation Hub, Willfort EDIH Crowd in Motion, Cristiano Passerini ER2Digit, Giuseppe Pirlo  EDIH4DT - Polo di innovazione Digitale EDIHs services to  Public Sector Organisations and Digital Maturity Assessment Johan Stake European Commission @JRC Finally we discussed the workprogramme for the next year! After more than one year of knowledge sharing, continuous exchanges, fruitful cooperation we are still eager to continue this journey together! Many thanks to Andrea Halmos Deputy HoU at #DIGIT who provided us with very insightful reflections on the main results of the session and very good ideas for future collaboration. Many thanks to the co-moderators of the #WP4PA Stefanos Kotoglou #DIGIT and Yiannis Kotsis-Giannarakis GRNET - Greek Research & Technology Network and to my colleague David Brunelleschi for the engaging moderation. It is a pleasure working with you! Intellera Consulting Artes 5.0 - Transformative technologies at your fingertips

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'Reinhard Willfort

Maximale Innovation bei minimalem Risiko | Digitale Innovationsplattform für mehr Wettbewerbsfähigkeit & höhere Wissensproduktivität | 25 Jahre Innovationserfahrung


Thank you for this important exchange of experience in the field of AI for the public sector! At EDIH Crowd in Motion, we also offer Open Innovation Challenges and our Innovationplatform.V3 technology for Crowdsourcing ideas or for Crowdinnovation Challenges with your community. I had forgotten that in my today's presentation 🤗

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