Crypto Risk Office’s Post

Great share Syed Musheer Ahmed thank you👏 👉 Flagging for the Crypto Risk Office community! ✍️ please join / follow for more risk and compliance updates and content #hkma #crypto #blockchain #riskmanagement #dlt

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FinTech Ballerina | ex-Regulator | Virtual Assets | FinTech | Web 3.0 |

Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) has issued Risk Management Considerations for use of Distributed Ledger Technology by Authorised Financial Institutions. 🏢Since the Government published its "Policy Statement on Development of Virtual Assets (VAs) in Hong Kong" in 2022, the HKMA has noted growing interest from Authorised Institutions (AIs) to explore how they can apply the #DLT that underlies the VA ecosystem to traditional financial market operations. ⛓️The HKMA is supportive of AIs adopting DLT-based solutions so long as they can adequately manage the associated risks. ⚖️In line with its risk-based and technology-neutral approach to supervision, the HKMA’s focus when reviewing AIs’ DLT-related proposals is on ascertaining whether an AI has put in place adequate systems and controls to manage those additional risks that may arise due to DLT adoption. • To facilitate AIs’ adoption of DLT solutions, the HKMA has set out in this note: (i) the key issues that it will typically consider when evaluating an AI’s DLT-related proposals; and (ii) the competencies and conditions that it would generally expect an AI to demonstrate and/or fulfil under each area. 📑These considerations are non-binding, non-exhaustive and will continue to evolve as the market and related technologies develop. Key considerations A) Governance: Board and senior management assume full responsibility for an AI’s adoption of DLT and for adequately managing related risks B) Application design and development: (i) Right DLT network selected for a given application (ii) #Smartcontracts are “fit for purpose” (iii) Understand and mitigate potential legal risks (iv) Effectively manage third party-related risks (v) Safely enable interoperability and connectivity C) On-going maintenance and monitoring: (i) Establish level of cybersecurity commensurate with traditional technology applications (ii) Securely manage private keys (iii) Ensure compliance with data privacy and protection requirements (iv) Tailor contingency planning and testing arrangements FinStep Asia King Florian Alex Efi Neil John Angelina Kristi Karena Urszula Malik Sharat Prasanna Monica Richard Medhy Malcolm Benedicte Nitish Yvonne

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