The Italian Renewable Energy market still remains highly attractive for opportunistic investors, both in terms of high electricity prices (among the highest in Europe) and high resources. The Italian renewable market has experienced several phases of consolidation and de-risking, which allow institutional investors to approach and acquire opportunities more smoothly. Still, the market remains bullish and illiquid, because attractive opportunities are hard to find or to secure for international investors.
Almond Capital is assisting international investors to (i) adequately comprehend the market, (ii) design tailored investment strategies, (iii) originate suitable opportunities, and (iv) make sure to successfully reach closing.
In the last years, Almond Capital has established, nurtured and consolidated a deep and extensive network of professional players in the country, at any level and role (including the large majority of reliable developers, national and local authorities, reputed law firms and notaries, TAs, etc.).
Almond Capital is available to provide additional insights offline.
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Transizione Energetica, TopLegal: ospitato a Roma l’Energy Forum 2024