GREEN - Gender-Research in Ecological Economics Network reposted this
🎉 Last Wednesday, the #EUWES Team successfully hosted an online workshop, targeting German policymakers and energy sector stakeholders. Our WECF colleagues Katharina Habersbrunner, Kiara Groneweg and Marilys Louvet, and Hanna Ahrenberg from Bundesverband Erneuerbare Energie e.V. (BEE) provided meaningful knowledge with numerous examples. ✨ Their contributions focused on #gendermainstreaming in #energy policymaking: #methods for assessing if a policy/programme is gender-responsive and the development of gender #indicators to design an impactful policy for gender equality. Afterward, participants actively shared their opinions on two discussion questions: What changes and activities would you like to see to make energy policies more gender-just? Which target groups are not yet considered in energy policies, but shall be considered? Find the results below! ⬇️
Project Manager | M.A. Communication Management | Advocating for a (Gender-)Just Energy Transition 🌍⚡️
1moIt was a pleasure to work with you! 🙌 Looking forward to seeing how these ideas shape future strategies 🚀💡