⭐️ We're thrilled to announce that for another year, we will continue offering NUCO FAA Instructor-approved courses in all areas of First Aid and Safeguarding. ⭐️ Whether you're looking to enhance your team's skills or meet compliance needs, we have the courses to support your organisation. ⭐️ Get in touch with us or visit our website today to find out more about our specific courses and how we can assist you in creating a safer environment. 📞📱📧👩💻👨🏽💻 #FirstAidTraining #Safeguarding #NUCOCourses #TrainingExcellence
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If you have trained with me, you know how serious I am about teaching major bleed control. All of our Advanced First Aid courses include intenstive, high fidelity skill development on modern training equipment. Annabel is a topgun. She can save a life. Nik Harrisyour A- team. Well done! #dubbo #hltaid011providefirstaid #hltaid013providefirstaidinaremoteandisolatedenvironment #hltaid015provideadvancedresuscitationandoxygentherapy
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CPR is a vital skill that significantly enhances the chances of survival and recovery in life-threatening situations. Its importance cannot be overstated, making it a crucial component of first aid and emergency response training.
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🚑 This time about continuous learning from another angle. This week I’ve spent at Lithuanian National Defence Volunteer Forces (a.k.a. KASP), where I’ve participated in a First Aid Medical Training course. Continuous learning and refreshing our knowledge in first aid is essential to ensuring we are prepared to act when it matters most. These skills can truly make a life-saving difference, whether at work, home, or in the community. Several topics we’ve covered: - Assessing emergency situations and ensuring safety - CPR and AED usage - Treating burns, wounds, and fractures - Managing choking incidents - and many more! Staying updated on these critical skills is key to building a safer environment for everyone! For this reason, I encourage you to keep learning about first aid by taking first aid courses provided by various vendors or join KASP and you will learn even more skills! #FirstAid #Safety #KASP #ContinuousLearning
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Number of the week: 43 Nearly half of UK adults (43 per cent) have never learnt CPR. The nationally representative survey (by the British Heart Foundation) suggests as many as 23 million are yet to learn the skills to save a life. Our Emergency First Aid course covers CPR, and you can see the full details and book places here: https://ow.ly/alMs50REnyf #LearnCPR #CPRTraining #FirstAidCourse #LifeSavingSkills
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The National St John Ambulance (SJA) Service is now offering FREE community first aid training for taxis and bus drivers in Port Moresby city. Read more: https://lnkd.in/gCTVpwbj
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Which type of CPR face shield will you choose for your First Aid kit? There are a few options. We'll give you a guided tour and a demo this #TrainerTuesday! #cprsaveslives #firstaid #firstaidkit
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Got items in your First Aid kit but not sure how to use them? Cath Wyatt shows you the difference between CPR face shields and how to use them in this weeks #TrainerTuesday video 😃
Your friendly neighbourhood First Aid trainer😃I teach you & your team to have the confidence to help in an emergency🤕
Which type of CPR face shield will you choose for your First Aid kit? There are a few options. We'll give you a guided tour and a demo this #TrainerTuesday! #cprsaveslives #firstaid #firstaidkit
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🗓️ It's the end of the month! Time flies when you're learning new things. Have you been keeping up with our series of posts this month? Test your knowledge and join our guess the word activity in the comment section below! Remember, stay safe and learn the essentials of first aid to be prepared to save lives. 💡 #MonthEnd #SafetyFirst #FirstAid #SERA
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Critical Injury First Aid (NOT A CPR/FIRST AID CLASS) Trauma Medical Training is a vital role in our jobs as First Responders. Providing the proper medical care to ourselves, a fellow Officer, or civilian in need is a vital skill. By carrying the appropriate medical equipment and knowing how to use it or instruct someone to use it is a critical link in the survival chain. This training will allow you to better control Critical Incidents.
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Preparing for the start of school? We can help, whether it is signs, pedestrian safety, giving curbs a fresh coat of paint, equipping crossing guards, or supplying first aid and AED's. #school #crossingguard #degemmill #yoursafetyourpassion
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