This is not free water being drained from a bulk fuel tank - any pump can drain free water, as gravity drops it down. But very few filtration systems remove suspended water at large volumes cleaning bulk fuel tanks.That is an art, especially when it is done sustainably as iCerMax’s filters are capable of doing. Our filters even remove suspended water in fuels highly contaminated by particles. Even at high flow rates - as ICerMax utilise physical coalescing ,doesn’t relay on gravity or a Static cone centrifugal filtration methodology as it doesn’t remove suspended water, it only removes free water. Similarly most OEM onboard water filters - whose methodology is cellulose or synthetic medium based, also fail dismally when it comes to suspended water removal. Particle contamination caking on the medium exponentially inhibits any coalescing ability thereby inhibiting any ability to coalesce suspended. Similar ineffective is the practice using absorption mediums , extremely limited capacities, to remove water from fuel, during bulk filtration cleaning. Yet, suspended water is the biggest serial killer of modern day injectors. Contact iCerMax if you have any water in fuel issues. iCerMax specialises in removing free and suspended water - sustainably from diesel, bio-diesel , Ip and burner fuels.