For 2024, I have committed myself to invest in at least 3 startups as an Angel Investor. I have been an Angel Investor to 5 startups and one VC firm in the past, but haven't done so in the last 2 years. Angel Investing is the very first step to empower entrepreneurs that drive innovation and in my point of view, the most important round of raising capital, as it usually involves friends and family. Investing, whether it is new ideas, concepts or enhancements should be in everyone's mind and should be done with the highest level of ethics. I recently came across a set of values that resonates with what I believe in, feel free to check The Mensarius Oath, written by the Founder Institute in March 2020. It is based on the famous Hippocratic Oath used by medical practitioners. #mensariusoath #hippocraticoath #angelinvesting #startupinvesting
I have a founder looking for angel investment, are you industry agnostic? Let's talk
Let's talk. 😉
Co-founder & CEO en Wakeful | CFA Candidate Level I
11moWakeful 👋