David B. Blumenthal reposted this
Best Paper Award in Healthcare Information Systems A research work that defines different forms of temporal anomalies in data, presenting a way how to efficiently detect such anomalies using traditional #database #systems? The paper "Querying Temporal Anomalies in Healthcare Information Systems and Beyond" by Christina Khnaisser, Hind Hamrouni, David B. Blumenthal, Anton Dignös and Gamper Johann received the Best #Paper #Award for it at the 26th European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems. The conference was held from September 5-8, 2022 in Torino. “Inconsistencies often occur when data is integrated from different databases”, the group explained. “Especially in healthcare information systems, detecting temporal anomalies is critical: to avoid misinterpretation in temporal data analysis and to flag potentially life-threatening events such as the administration of a drug that has not been prescribed.” Congratulations! #informatics #research #healthcare