Lake Tahoe Full Moon Qi Gong With Marilyn@davidmitchell6972
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💚 Start your week with a fresh color!💚 💖 In ancient cultures, and in lineage texts of Tibetan feng shui, descriptions and illustrations rich in color have been used as tools against anxiety and fears, to uplift spirits and usher in calmness and harmony. 💖 The five elements as five colors have been the basic theory of feng shui. 💖 So was light and dark, yin and yang, in a variety of cultures from the Middle-East to Japan. 💖 Color as an archetype in the cosmos that has its reality has been a philosophical theme during the era of Enlightenment in Europe. 💚 The subject of color is a very important aspect of life and healing, and if we translate that into our 21st century world, could we use color to heal our modern life? 💚 💝 Come and learn about how to invite the best color combinations into your space to make your heart sing - and so much more! 💝
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- Meaning of the track: Madalasa says to her crying son: “You are pure, Enlightened, and spotless. Leave the illusion of the world and wake up from this deep slumber of delusion” My Child, you are Ever Pure! You do not have a name. A name is only an imaginary superimposition on you. This body made of five elements is not you nor do you belong to it. The essence of the universe does not cry in reality. All is a maya of words, oh Prince! Please understand this. The various qualities you seem to have are just your imaginations, they belong to the elements that make the senses (and have nothing to do with you). This being so, what can be a reason for your crying ? The Elements [that make this body] grow with accumulation of more elements or reduce in size if some elements are taken away. This is what is seen in a body’s growing in size or becoming lean depending upon the consumption of food, water etc. You do not have growth or decay. You are in the body which is like a jacket that gets worn out day by day. Do not have the wrong notion that you are the body. This body is like a jacket that you are tied to, for the fructification of the good and bad karmas. Some may refer to you as Father and some others may refer to you as Son or some may refer to you as mother and some one else may refer to you as wife/husband. some say “you are mine” and some others say “you are not mine.” These are all references to this “Combination of Physical Elements”, Do not identify with them. The deluded look at objects of enjoyments as giving happiness by removing the unhappiness. The wise clearly see that the same object which gives happiness now will become a source of unhappiness. The vehicle that moves on the ground is different from the person in it, similarly this body is also different from the person who is inside! The owner of the body is different from the body! Ah how foolish it is to think I am the body! That’s it :) Enjoy this blissful Sanskrit song.
Madālasā | SANSKRIT SONG from The Mārkaṇḍeya Purāṇa
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What do you most deeply want to happen? At your core, what would you like the Universe to bring you? What does your heart song ask for? Most people don’t know. They’ve never taken the time to think about it, or their answers are generated by the negative ego and are materialistic in nature. But they don’t know. Take a moment, right now, to close your eyes and breathe. Allow the flow of your breath to take you inward, into that space at the center of your chest. Bring all of your attention and all of your focus into that space. Ask the question: what is it I most deeply want to happen? Accept whatever comes back to you without analysis and without judgment. That is the answer of your heart song. Now that you know what it is, what will you do about it? #HeartSong
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🌿✨ In life, just like in nature, everything has a beginning. This is the essence behind TANCHUR's 万物生 (All Things Begin) collection. Inspired by the timeless principles of Yin and Yang from the Yijing, this series reflects the delicate balance of life's ever-changing cycles—where the Dragon represents strength and order. At the same time, the Phoenix symbolizes transformation and grace. Just as the sun rises and sets and the seasons shift, this collection reminds us that everything flows purposefully. We may not always see the whole picture, but each moment and decision is part of a more extraordinary design that guards and guides us through life's journey. 万物生 is more than just a design; it's a way of living. Embrace the flow, trust the process, and allow yourself the space to evolve.
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Speaking in TONGUES is a Gift of the SPIRIT! (1 Cor 12:4-11) But Controlling your TONGUE is the Fruit of the SPIRIT! (Gal 5:22-23)Speaking in TONGUES is a Gift of the SPIRIT! (1 Cor 12:4-11) But Controlling your TONGUE is the Fruit of the SPIRIT! (Gal 5:22-23)
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TIBETAN PULSING FREQUENCY CALENDAR 7 - 22 AUG: AUTHENTICITY - WHAT IS REAL? Finding your true voice Exploring the silent listening that connects with your reality.
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Discover Yin and Yang: The Essence of Tai Chi Explore the profound philosophy of Yin and Yang within Tai Chi. We delve into how these complementary forces shape your practice, enhancing balance and harmony in mind, body, and energy. Uncover the secrets to mastering this ancient art! #TaiChi #YinAndYang #ChinesePhilosophy #MindBodyBalance #HolisticHealth #EnergyFlow #TaiChiPractice #WellnessJourney #MartialArts #AncientWisdom
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Koi Fish: A Quiet Symbol of Japan’s Spirit When we guide groups through Japanese gardens, one of the most peaceful moments is stopping by a koi pond. There’s something captivating about watching these vibrant fish glide through the water, each movement calm and purposeful. Koi are symbols of resilience and strength, you can almost feel their energy as they move gracefully through the water. One thing we love sharing with travelers is that koi aren’t just admired in ponds, they appear throughout Japanese culture, especially in art and textiles. Look closely, and you might spot koi patterns on kimonos, where they represent courage and the journey to overcome obstacles. It’s amazing how these simple, graceful fish have inspired designs that carry so much meaning. In Japanese folklore, koi are celebrated for their determination. They’re known for their ability to swim upstream, facing every obstacle with quiet strength. Legend even says that koi who complete this journey transform into dragons, a reward for their perseverance. It’s a powerful symbol, a reminder to keep going, no matter how tough the path. #KoiFish #JapaneseCulture #GuidedTours #SymbolsOfStrength #JapaneseGardens #KimonoPatterns #ExploreJapan
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Checkout our latest blog post on the auspicious occasion of Buddha Purnima.
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Joya no Kane (除夜の鐘) is a profound and symbolic Japanese tradition observed on New Year’s Eve. It involves ringing a temple bell 108 times to welcome the New Year while purifying the soul. Rooted in Buddhist beliefs, this custom carries deep spiritual significance. The Meaning of 108 Bell Rings According to Buddhist teachings, humans are plagued by 108 earthly desires or delusions (bonnō, 煩悩) that cause suffering. These include emotions such as envy, greed, and anger. Each bell chime represents the cleansing of one of these desires, allowing people to enter the New Year with a pure heart and mind. How It Is Performed The ritual takes place at Buddhist temples across Japan on the night of December 31. Monks or visitors take turns ringing the large bell (bonshō, 梵鐘) using a suspended wooden beam. The bell is struck exactly 107 times before midnight, with the final ring occurring as the New Year Many temples allow visitors to participate in ringing the bell, creating a communal and reflective atmosphere. People often combine this with hatsumōde (the first shrine visit of the year) to pray for health and happiness. Joya no Kane is a beautiful tradition that embodies the themes of renewal, mindfulness, and spiritual cleansing, integral to Japanese New Year celebrations. #japaneseculture #japanesetraditions #understandingjapan #japanesecustoms #japanesenewyear
除夜の鐘 浄土宗総本山知恩院 Joya-no-kane (Bell Ringing on New Year’s Eve) Chion-in
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