Simply buying the right security tools isn’t enough, said Adam Fletcher, CSO, Blackstone. This was discussed on CISO Series Defense in Depth “The Lurking Dangers of Neglected Security Tools.” Thanks to our sponsor, ThreatLocker. Listen to the full episode: #CISOseries #CISO #security #infosec #informationsecurity #cybersecurity
I like listening after the corny banter at the beginning has subsided and they get to the point. My drive is short sometimes the program is frustrating.
Cybersecurity is a culture, not a product.
Business-Minded Pragmatic Cybersecurity Leader | vCISO | Advisor | Board Member | CISSP | MBA
2moThere is the reason why we have people, process, and technology. Buy all the best in class tools but if you don't have people to operationalize the features, it will be just another tool on the shelf.