Discover the newly introduced Fluid Dynamics subsection in the Physics section at MSC! With hands-on exhibits like the Water Vortex and Wave Tank, you can explore the science behind how fluids move and interact with forces. Experience the thrill of learning about phenomena that explain motion in air and water! #MagnifiScience #TDF #Dawood #Foundation #Edutainment #Scienceisforeveryone #Karachi #Pakistan #Science #Innovation #Learning #Museum #Family #Fun
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Today I finally finished my undergraduate studies in Physics in the fields of Physical Oceanography and Atmospheric Science. My thesis discusses how El Nino in 2023 is formed by observing ocean-atmosphere interaction parameters such as sea surface temperature, walker circulation, and air pressure. Apart from that, I also observed rainfall conditions in eastern Indonesia.
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- Article Title: Complex network reveals the spatiotemporal pattern of summer extreme precipitation in Eastern China Author(s): Aidi Zhang*, Han Zhang, Meng Gao and Xinyi Wang Journal: Annals of Mathematics and Physics Journal ISSN: 2689-7636 Abstract: In this study, complex networks were constructed based on the synchronization of summer extreme precipitation events (SEPEs) in eastern China. Then, a detailed analysis of spatiotemporal patterns of SEPEs and the relationship between SEPEs in eastern China with the eastern Asian monsoon was presented. The results showed that (1) the event synchronization is low in the coastal region but high in the inland region; (2) the intensity of the monsoon varies at different phases of summer and the area and intensity of the monsoon's influence on the summer extreme rainfall events were different. In conclusion, this study provides valuable insights to reveal the influence of monsoon strength on SEPEs in different regions of China. #Complexnetwork #Eventsynchronization #Summerextremeprecipitation #Mathematics #Algebra #Geometry #Calculus #Probability #Statistics #NumberTheory #MathematicalAnalysis #DiscreteMathematics #LinearAlgebra #DifferentialEquations #Topology #MathematicalModeling #AppliedMathematics #ComputationalMathematics #MathematicalLogic #FunctionalAnalysis #ComplexAnalysis #NumericalAnalysis #Optimization #GraphTheory #MathematicalPhysics #Cryptography #StochasticProcesses #GameTheory
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Vidya Jyothi Professor V. K. Samaranayake Memorial Oration 2025 17th January 2025 at Professor V. K. Samaranayake Auditorium at UCSC from 4.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. Cosmology & Data: Holes and Their Importance Curvature helps identify 'holes' in data. Total curvature can detect these holes, and a simple algorithm can reveal specific types. This is useful for addressing database issues like query result semantics and non-monotonic joins. Homology groups analyze datasets to find holes in any dimension. #Oration #oration2025 #UCSC #UOC #IT #ITEducation #SriLanka
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Today, we commemorate the birth of one of history's most influential scientists, Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi. Born around 780 AD in Khwarazm (present-day Uzbekistan), Khwarazmi's contributions to mathematics, astronomy, and geography have had a profound and lasting impact on the world. Known as the "father of algebra," Khwarazmi's works introduced the fundamental concepts that would become the cornerstone of modern mathematics. His book, "Kitab al-Jabr wal-Muqabala," not only coined the term "algebra" but also laid the foundation for solving linear and quadratic equations. Khwarazmi's influence extended beyond mathematics. His work on the decimal number system and his development of algorithms revolutionized computation. The term "algorithm" itself is derived from the Latinization of his name. In addition to his mathematical prowess, Khwarazmi made significant contributions to astronomy and geography, enhancing the accuracy of astronomical tables and mapping the known world with remarkable precision. As we celebrate Khwarazmi's legacy, let us remember the enduring power of knowledge and innovation. His work continues to inspire scientists, mathematicians, and thinkers across the globe, reminding us of the limitless potential of human intellect and creativity. #Khwarazmi #Mathematics #Science #Innovation #History #Iran
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Ibn al-Haytham (965–1040) Origin: Basra, Iraq Contributions: Known in the West as "Alhazen," Ibn al-Haytham was a polymath whose work in optics, mathematics, and astronomy had a profound impact. In mathematics, he is celebrated for his contributions to geometry and number theory. He explored the relationship between algebra and geometry, solving problems involving the sum of fourth powers—a step toward integral calculus. One of his significant achievements in geometry was the development of methods to solve problems that would later influence European mathematicians like Fermat and Descartes. Ibn al-Haytham also introduced rigorous experimentation into scientific inquiry, earning him the title "Father of Modern Optics." His Book of Optics detailed the nature of light, vision, and the behavior of lenses and mirrors. Impact: Ibn al-Haytham’s legacy endures in both science and mathematics. His methodological approach set the stage for scientific inquiry, while his mathematical insights inspired centuries of advancements in geometry, calculus, and optics. #IbnAlHaytham #Mathematics #Geometry #NumberTheory #IslamicGoldenAge #ScientificMethod #Alhazen
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Thabit ibn Qurra (826–901) Origin: Harran, Mesopotamia (modern-day Turkey) Contributions: Thabit ibn Qurra was a polymath whose work spanned mathematics, astronomy, and medicine. A key figure in the House of Wisdom in Baghdad, he translated and preserved Greek mathematical texts, including works by Euclid, Archimedes, and Apollonius, into Arabic. In mathematics, Thabit is celebrated for his work on number theory, including an early formulation of a special case of the theorem for amicable numbers. He also contributed significantly to geometry, developing methods to calculate the volume of a paraboloid and advancing theories related to parallel lines. Thabit’s original works in astronomy were just as influential, including improvements to Ptolemaic models of planetary motion. His writings on mechanics and statics also laid groundwork for later studies in physics. Impact: Thabit ibn Qurra's integration of Greek and Islamic thought helped bridge cultural knowledge and enriched mathematical and scientific advancements during the Islamic Golden Age. His contributions continue to influence the study of numbers and geometry. #ThabitIbnQurra #IslamicGoldenAge #Mathematics #NumberTheory #Geometry #Astronomy #HistoryOfScience
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- Article Title: Calculation of the influence of the entropy of stars on the Earth's exosphere and the theory of entropic gravity Author(s): Violeta N Nikolić* Journal: Annals of Mathematics and Physics Journal ISSN: 2689-7636 Abstract: In the first part of this study, the entropic contribution of star objects, observable during the night between November 13 and 14, 2021, in the sky above Belgrade (Lat. 44o 49' 04'' N, Long. 20o 27' 25'' E, mean Elev. 117 m), Serbia, to the thermodynamic equilibrium of the Earth's exosphere, was determined. In the second part of the study, the force of gravitational attraction between the considered star objects and the Earth was calculated, by applying entropic gravity theory. The obtained results shed new light on the importance of star objects for sustaining the Earth's thermodynamic system. #Entropy #Starobjects #Thermodynamicequilibrium #Gravitationalattraction #Entropicgravity #Mathematics #Algebra #Geometry #Calculus #Probability #Statistics #NumberTheory #MathematicalAnalysis #DiscreteMathematics #LinearAlgebra #DifferentialEquations #Topology #MathematicalModeling #AppliedMathematics #ComputationalMathematics #MathematicalLogic #FunctionalAnalysis #ComplexAnalysis #NumericalAnalysis #Optimization #GraphTheory #MathematicalPhysics #Cryptography #StochasticProcesses #GameTheory
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I’m trying my best to stay loyal to physics, but #topology is luring me away 🍭 I would like to know more about the work, prospects of this field, and the interdisciplinary projects that combine topology with physics. اگر کسانی رومیشناسید که توی فیلد #توپولوژی تحصیل کردن و کار میکنن، ممنون میشم به بنده معرفیشون کنید.
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This course was really eye-opening and enjoyable - electrification planning using GIS
Huge congratulations to the participants in the OnSSET track of the EMP-G hosted by Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) and Climate Compatible Growth #CCG recently. Geoffrey Basil Mwango Cynthia Omondi COLLINS MUHAMA Joana John Thaundi Eziagbor Osele Malama Chileshe Ahid Maeresera Kelvin Tarimo FRANCIS F. MANYAMA successfully completed their training and received their certificates from Andreas Sahlberg who oversaw their training alongside Julián Cantor We hope to publish interviews with one or two of these participants in the coming weeks and months.
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💥New dictionary research reports! The Hornby Trust website has had a bit of a make-over and to go with the new-look website, we've just posted two new ASHDRA research reports. The two projects both developed and trialled new dictionary resources, but in very different contexts. 🔸Priya Elizabeth Mathew and Lee McCallum developed a dictionary app targeted specifically at Physics students in Oman 🔸Lorna Morris created and trialled a digital dictionary with primary school students in South Africa You can download both reports, or short single-page summaries, from the website - just scroll down to find all the completed ASHDRA research projects:
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