May is National Bicycle Safety Month, a time when we focus on keeping our roads safe for cyclists. As drivers, it's important to always watch out and yield to pedestrians, especially on the busy roads of Houston. Learn more about drivers' right-of-way:
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We know you care about safety! That’s why sharing the road is important. Most bicycle and pedestrian crashes happen when drivers, cyclists and pedestrians fail to see one another. 🚴🚶🏻🚘️ Learn safety tips at
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May is National Bicycle Safety Month, reminding us to focus on keeping cyclists safe on the road. As drivers, it's important to be extra careful around pedestrians, not just in May but all the time. Learn more:
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A cyclist on the road is described as a "vehicular cyclist", and is expected to travel within the roadway in accordance with the basic vehicular rules of the road. Vehicular cyclists should feel and act like vehicle drivers, even though they are not riding on the main roadway. To avoid a Fort Lauderdale auto accident or a bicycle accident, be mindful of these rules for cyclists: #personalinjuryattorney #bicycleaccident #roadsafety
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Did you know that 64 people walking on Oregon roads were involved in a fatal crash this year already? It's time to take action! Learn more about driver safety tips and resources and take our free online Oregon Friendly Driver Course. Learn how to safely navigate the roads with people walking, biking and driving. Help us to keep our roads safe for everyone. We're all trying to get to where we are going, safely. Learn more and enroll now: #PedestrianSafety #WalkSafely #RoadSafety #ArriveAlive
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why is the DCC not launching a campaign to tell cyclists to 1) stop at a red traffic light 2) wait your turn at traffic and stop hitting door mirrors on cars and vans trying to squeeze in between vehicles 3) wear high viz vests/ helmets 4) have lights on your bikes 5) use bloody hand signals when cyclists are changing lanes /direction.
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May is National Bike Month and with 80 million cyclists sharing the road with cars, it is vital that cyclists - and drivers - take precautions. Cyclists should check their equipment before a ride, plan to be seen, wear a helmet and know the rules of the road. Drivers should allow for extra space, pass with care and check their surroundings before opening their car doors. #SSCPR #SafetyFirst #ShoenSafety
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Use the following tips to help share the road with cyclists: • Give cyclists space. • Avoid driving in bike lanes. • Always look out for bikers, especially when exiting driveways, making turns and changing lanes. • Watch for cyclists when exiting your vehicle, especially if there is a bike lane between the parking lane and the driving lane. • Avoid distractions while driving.
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With warmer weather and more bike riding, it's important to remember safe driving tips for when you are near cyclists. If you see a cyclist, slow down! Bicyclists are most often killed by drivers who strike them with the front of their vehicle at high speeds. Avoid tragedy: 🚘 Slow down. 🚘 Drive sober. 🚘 Don’t drive distracted. #BikeSafety #DriverSafety #RulesoftheRoad #SummerDrivingTips #TrafficSafety
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May is National Bike Month and with 80 million cyclists sharing the road with cars, it is vital that cyclists - and drivers - take precautions. Cyclists should check their equipment before a ride, plan to be seen, wear a helmet and know the rules of the road. Drivers should allow for extra space, pass with care and check their surroundings before opening their car doors. #SSCPR #SafetyFirst #ShoenSafety
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Understanding off-road vehicles and mastering the art of responsible ATV/UTV riding is vital. Learn more from Nationwide about why they believe in a commitment to fostering a culture among our youth riders that values safety as much the thrill of the ride:
NW RideSafe Almer TV15 24-08-01 FNL.mp4
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