In the heart of Dayton, Ohio, where industry hums and innovation thrives, there exists a tale of the resilience of Dayton-Phoenix Group — a story etched in the destructive forces of a fateful night. The stage was set — an F4 tornado descended on our Dayton, Ohio, plant the evening of May 27, 2019. Tearing through steel and concrete, shattering windows, and uprooting the very foundations that held DPG’s legacy, Dayton-Phoenix Group’s familiar landscape transformed into chaos. As a supplier to worldwide critical infrastructure needs, rail, mining, and off-highway equipment OEMs & End Users across the globe looked to us to continue our storied history of trusted and reliable solutions that keep trains moving, mines operational, and supply-chains connected. But adversity breeds resilience, and within the tempest’s eye, something remarkable unfolded. The spirit of DPG surged. DPG leadership and employees stood strong and forged a plan for the future – to be resilient and to continue our storied history that has been around since 1939. Five years later, we stand here stronger than ever. Dayton-Phoenix Group continues to be trusted by locomotive manufacturers, railroads, and mines world-wide to get to where they need to be, on time, efficiently, moving proudly for their customers. Dayton-Phoenix Group: Rising from the Storm, Unyielding, Unbroken.
Dayton-Phoenix Group: Rising from the Storm, Unyielding, Unbroken
I will never forget the feeling I had in my body when I pulled on site that morning. Truly the most challenging and rewarding project that I have had the privilege to be involved in. DPG is blessed in so many ways.
Terrific video! Great story! Thank you for being everything you are!!!
Great Company, even better people.
Even though I was 13 years removed from working with my DPG family this was very moving for me. As part of the leadership team, I knew first hand how dedicated Gale and Christy were to “ to providing good paying jobs to the area”. It was nice to see so many wonderful co-workers from the past, Gale, Christy, Darryl, Kendra, Grant, Mike, Mick, Curt. Congratulations on being DPG strong, the inside looks AMAZING!
In my humble opinion, this was evidence of a strong, positive culture within DPG with outstanding leadership. Well done to all!
Dayton people are, well, Dayton people. Like no others. A special community that you should be immersed in to understand what belonging is all about.
Unbelievable video…DPG has always had great people. This recovery is another unbelievable show of the great character of people and leadership at DPG.
Unbelievable video DPG. Well done on the rebuild. Seems you have an incredible team there. All the best
Great video! Glad everyone bounced back well. I have good memories of my co-op work there.
Chief Executive Officer at Dayton-Phoenix Group, Inc.
6moI can't watch this video without being overwhelmed with emotion! God has been soooo kind to DPG by providing us with the strongest team and the gracious support of so many in our community. Because of His people, we not only survived, but we thrived! God continues to light the path for us to follow. Our gratitude is beyond measure!