What will the story of your life be? I loved reading about Josh Basile life journeys. #WeAreBillionStrong #BillionStrong #ADA #disability #disabilities #DisabilityConfident #PeopleOfDetermination #WheelChair #WheelChairLife
Trial Attorney at Jack H. Olender & Associates I Community Relations Manager at accessiBe I United Spinal Association Board Member
A JOURNEY WORTH CELEBRATING 📢👩🦼👨👩👧👦– It was 20 years ago today when I heard a loud crunch reverberate from my neck and then spread throughout my body. On August 1, 2004, a wave slammed me headfirst against the ocean floor changing my life forever. As I lay motionless in the critical care unit with a ventilator helping me to breathe, I questioned what my future would hold. Will I ever walk again? Will I finish school? Will I have a career? Will I play golf again? Will I fall in love? Will I become a Dad? Over the past two decades, I have learned to advocate for my goals and dreams through the power of choice and community. Our choices dictate what we focus on and what we do next. Our community supports us with helping hands and shoulders, and most importantly, with love and laughter. I celebrate my SCIversary not only to recognize how far I have come, but to thank all of the beautiful people in my life who have helped me to move forward on a meaningful journey, filled with purpose and positive impact. Thank you from the bottom of my heart ❤️ I am so grateful to be alive and to have answered YES to the majority of the questions that my 18-year-old self was contemplating. Never stop believing, never stop advocating, and never stop fighting for your future! I am looking forward to the coming chapters of life as my children grow up and I fall deeper in love with Katie Rose Fava. "We have got a love that is unconditional, next to you I am home." Love you Calder, Faeble, and Katie 🥰😍🥰