decarbon1ze GmbH reposted this
"Bring your own power" - unbundling electricity supply from chargepoint operation coming for e-truck charging in Germany. This has become possible after years of pioneering work in the field of virtual power network operation, #letsdecarbon1ze :) decarbon1ze provides the platform to implement this new feature as a service for CPO/CPMS, and for MSP and electricity suppliers Important: This is not only about price competition. This is about flexibilities and how to bring respective innovation and lower prices to the driver. e-trucks will have to provide demand side flexibilities for the evolving energy system. This will require BRP-innovation (the supplier role, the balancing responsible party): Collaborate and combine data regarding route & reservation planning, charging and energy trading etc. Stay tuned. Let's #decarbon1ze
"Über den eigenen Stromanbieter" heißt doch aber weiterhin, dass es trotzdem nicht der gleiche Energieversorgungsvertrag ist, wie der Hausstromvertrag, oder? Also als Verbraucher muss ich später einen weiteren, zusätzlichen Vertrag abschließen, ggf. nicht mal beim gleichen Energieversorger (weil evtl. nicht jeder Energieversorger einen derartigen, speziellen Vertrag für das Laden anbieten wird)?
Very cool to be quoted in Spiegel. I hope this brings you a lot of business for decarbon1ze GmbH.
Energy Sourcing Manager at Fastned
3moI have some questions and remarks so please enlighten me how it will work in practice and why it would be beneficial for consumers and CPO's: 1) For the energy supplier of the CPO it becomes very difficult to make a good prediction of the residual consumption, resulting in higher imbalance costs for the CPO. Who will pay for that? 2) EV drivers can choose to choose the energy supplier of their preference at low market prices, and fall back on the standard offer of the CPO at high market prices. The CPO always goes down the drain as a result. How is this fair? 3) If a battery (grid congestion!) or solar panels are used at the location, how are you going to settle this? 4) What do you do if there is a problem with the meter on the grid connection? There is always a few percent of large consumption connections where the meter does not function or does not function properly (own experience). 5) CPOs can currently conclude a long-term Power Purchase Agreement (PPA). If a CPO has now concluded this, this can cause problems because too large a volume has been committed.