What's in my mind? 🤔
OK Facebook, I accept the challenge!
What about Aluminum in our food chain, water supplies, body cleaning products?
"Using aluminum foil in cooking significantly increases aluminum exposure, with studies showing an 8.1% increase in urinary aluminum concentrations during high-exposure periods.
Cooking with aluminum foil leads to aluminum leaching into food, even exceeding safety limits at times.
Factors like acidity, salt content, fat, temperature and cooking time affect leaching rates.
Aluminum accumulation in your body is linked to neurological issues, including Alzheimer's, autism, multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's disease.
It also affects bone health and causes anemia.
Symptoms of aluminum toxicity include memory loss, confusion, coordination difficulties, bone pain, kidney dysfunction and respiratory issues.
Early recognition and reducing your exposure are crucial for health.
To reduce aluminum exposure, avoid cooking with aluminum foil and cookware, choose alternative cookware materials, limit processed foods, use aluminum-free personal care products, avoid aluminum-containing vaccines and filter your water if aluminum levels are high!"
Article in the comment below 👇
Stay healthy guys! 😉
"Life is short. Live it healthy and live it truly!"
"Monika Ujvari" 💜
Esthéticienne, Animatrice, Commerciale, Facialiste en devenir
2moQuand on me dit que les prix sont trop élevés en parfumerie mais non !! Les leader du marché !! Thé ordinary marque canadienne apres je leur explique qu il faut se donner les moyens !! Comprendre sa peau !! Ses besoins !! Bref j adore actif clé et résultat !!