deFacto Global Use Case One of our clients’ financial reporting needs outgrew their existing system capabilities, making efficient reporting procedures impossible and causing significant challenges in data analysis. Decision-making processes were also delayed due to the time-consuming process of manually consolidating data from various sources. Implementing deFacto Power Planning increased the confidence in their data results and allowed multiple individuals to run consolidation processes, streamlining the process and freeing up previously unevenly distributed resources. With newly designed report templates integrated by deFacto Power Planning, brokers were able to generate insights from any available data effortlessly. See how our wide array of solutions can help your organization break through challenges and take your decision-making to the next level. Visit our Solutions page at: #FPandA #xPandA #Supplychain #demandplanning #planninginpowerbi #extendedplanningandanalysis #FandO #analytics #powerplatform #microsoft #msdyn #CEO #COO #CTO #CIO #strategicplanning #forecasting #reporting #budgeting #CPM #CPMsolution #powerbisolution #businessintelligence