They're all since your presentation at IMHO 2024, the NSPA has awarded contracts to Airbus, Leonardo and Lockheed Martin for a 13 month study into the future concepts for NRC. Can you tell us a little bit more about the studies and what's expected from each of the partners? Indeed, since the last conference, we had a a very busy schedule because in addition to the studies you mentioned, we had other studies that were performed. So first, first we finalize our first study which was this agnostic view for another power plant for NGC. And also we are about to finalize the third study which is about open system architecture. The same the objective for these two studies where to get this agnostic view, but novel power plant and open system architecture to help us. Here in the nations to build some knowledge in order to evaluate and assess the result from the so-called study file mention that we awarded to Airbus, Leonardo and Sikorsky. So we awarded this study 5, which is an integrated platform concept review last August. Indeed, they will last 13 months until September next year, and the objective is there to. To get an idea of which are the possible concept for NGC, the concept solutions that will answer the so-called attributes so the high level expectations for NGC and also the concept of operation which is made of 11 main missions for NGC. So each contractors they will have the opportunity to present up to two concept solutions and after that nations will identify indeed which are their preferred concept solutions for before going to the next step of writing the NGC requirements. So. This is a pivotal event for for NGC which is indeed to get this concept solutions before going to the next step which is the writing of the NGC requirements that will allow to identify the NGS solution in the future.