SCCR 45 kicked off on Monday, and it has been an interesting week thus far, full of detailed conversations around broadcasting and, as of yesterday evening, limitations and exceptions!
Tomorrow we will move to Copyright in the Digital Environment. I am looking forward to the Information Session on GenAI and Copyright we will be holding starting at 2:30 pm on Thursday, April 18.
In response to the request from the SCCR and in light of the rapid developments in the AI era, this session will bring together a broad range of stakeholders to facilitate an exchange of insights and experiences among creators and other key players directly engaged in the development and use of generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) tools.
To set the stage for these discussions, we will kick off the session with an immersive creative experience showcasing how various AI technologies are used as tools across multiple creative industries.
Following this immersive experience, we will host two panel discussions featuring dynamic creatives, entrepreneurs, and AI strategists coming from diverse industries. The first panel will focus on the practical implications of the increasing use of AI in content creation across different sectors, highlighting the challenges and opportunities on the horizon. We are excited to welcome: Pablo Vierci, Jack DEVNARAIN, Emi Kusano, Giulia Marinho, Esther Pizarro, Marisa Monte, Noam Roubah, Peter Schoppert, Iman M. Khamis, Charlotte Heylliard
The second panel will examine the enabling factors necessary for the sustainable, fair, and mutually beneficial use of AI in content creation for all stakeholders. We are pleased that we will be joined by: Yunyun Diao, Andres Guadamuz, Duncan Crabtree-Ireland, Martín Etchevers, Geoff Taylor MBE, Ana Carolina da Motta, Frejat Roberto
Thank you to all my colleagues who have been working extremely hard to bring you this much-anticipated session: Paolo Lanteri, Felipe Martínez Sánchez Mohamed Saidou Diallo Ndèye Fatou Tall Dr. Eleanor T. Khonje Alissa Gueldyeva Hanane Aoued
I look forward to seeing as many of you onsite tomorrow, and for those of you who would like to join online, you can follow this link here:
To view the program, see:
#sccr45 #AI #GenAI #WIPO #informationsession