New on Dhan: Option Chain with Greeks on DhanHQ API 💻⚡️ One of the most requested features from our API users, is now live! Automation is king. This is especially true for the Algo and Systematic traders. Life is better for them if the time taken to get data, understand it, and make trades is reduced. That’s where Option Chain with Greeks, our latest addition to DhanHQ API, comes in. Algo traders can now leverage Dhan’s Advanced Option Chain along with Option Greeks like Delta, Theta, Gamma, etc. Now coding Options Stategy does not need manual calculation of Greeks or previous knowledge of statistics. We’ve also added the following fields: ✅Previous Close ✅Previous OI and Volume ✅Top bid and ask price These fields will make comparisons on day gainers/losers easier as well as help users identify potential opportunities. The Option Chain with Greeks feature is available to all users on DhanHQ V2. Check it out today on
Very useful to identify the market moves and Oi data, specialy traders, Thanks forDhan
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