Last week, I had the privilege of attending the EAWOP Summer School 2024 for Early Career Scholars. It was an incredible experience, filled with inspiring speeches from esteemed academics in work and organizational psychology, along with the opportunity to present my current research. Three key moments left a lasting impact on me.
First, Prof Roberta Fida's lively speech on moral disengagement challenged us to think critically about how individuals rationalize unethical behavior, sometimes automatically and without much conscious thought.
Second, the thought-provoking reflections with Belgin Okay-Somerville about our careers. We explored deep questions, such as 'Why are you where you are now?', a powerful reminder to reflect on our personal and professional journeys as we strive to build academic careers as early career scholars.
Third, Rob Briner's reassuring message that it's OK to be confused: 'If you're not confused, what's wrong with you?' These words resonated with me, emphasizing that uncertainty is a natural part of the process.
Special thanks to Ishbel McWha-Hermann, Kristina Potočnik, and Tom Calvard for organizing such a fantastic summer school!