Food poisoning can cause anything from mild discomfort to severe illness, depending on the type of pathogen or toxin involved. Recognizing symptoms, knowing how long it lasts, and understanding treatment options can help manage cases effectively. Most cases resolve within a few days, but severe infections may need medical care. Stay safe by practicing proper food hygiene and staying informed! 🥗💊 More at #FoodPoisoning #HealthTips #StaySafe #FoodSafety #HealthyLiving #Germs #Prevention #MedicalAlert 🍽️👨⚕️👩⚕️
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Typhoid fever is a serious bacterial infection caused by Salmonella typhi. It spreads through contaminated food and water. Symptoms include high fever, weakness, stomach pain, headache, and loss of appetite. If left untreated, it can be life-threatening. Protect yourself by drinking clean water, washing hands, and ensuring food safety. Early diagnosis and treatment are crucial. Stay informed and stay safe! 💧🦠 #TyphoidAwareness #StaySafe #FoodSafety #CleanWater #HealthFirst
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Cholera is a food and water-borne disease caused by the ingestion of the bacterium, Vibrio cholerae, in contaminated water and food. As the death toll from the latest cholera outbreak hits 40, there is need to take preventive measures to keep safe. Here are helpful tips from NPHCDA for the prevention of cholera 1. Wash hands with soap and running water frequently 2. Ensure water is boiled before drinking and properly stored 3. Cook food properly and keep it covered.
Cholera is an acute diarrheal disease caused by ingestion of food or water contaminated with feaces of an infected person. Symptoms of cholera includes: 🤢 Watery Diarrhea 🤮 Vomiting 🥴 Dehydration To stay safe⤵️ ☑️ Practice good hygiene ☑️ Wash your hands with soap and water regularly, especially after using the toilet and before preparing food or eating. ☑️ Only drink tap water that has been boiled or bottled water.
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Three reasons why good hand hygiene is important: 1. Prevents the spread of germs: Washing your hands with soap and water removes germs from your hands, preventing the transfer to other people or objects. 2. Reduces the risk of infection: Washing your hands can help prevent the spread of respiratory and diarrheal infections, the flu, food poisoning, and healthcare associated infections. 3. Helps prevent antibiotic resistance: Washing your hands can help prevent the spread of antibiotic resistance. We have many different dispenser options available, both touch free and manual. Contact us today for more information...we listen!
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Why does cholera occur? Cholera is a bacterial disease caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae. There are various reasons behind cholera. Among them, contaminated food and water, unhygienic sanitation and lack of regular hygiene are some of the reasons. Is it possible to prevent cholera? Yes, cholera is possible to prevent. For this, awareness should be maintained. Below are some important steps to prevent cholera: * Drink clean and safe water * Cook food thoroughly * Maintain personal hygiene * Get vaccinated against cholera * Take care of sanitation 👉Cholera is a preventable disease. This disease can be prevented by following proper hygiene rules and taking precautions. #Cholera #CholeraAwareness #WaterborneDisease #StaySafe #CleanWater #PublicHealth #HygieneMatters #PreventCholera
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Do you know NOROVIRUS is actually the leading cause of foodborne illness worldwide? Crazy, right? It is a super contagious virus that causes gastroenteritis, aka stomach and intestinal inflammation. As this is highly contagious so chances of it spreading more is in public places such as schools, malls, etc. By maintaining good hygiene habits you can prevent it reaching you. Make sure to disinfect surfaces regularly too! Wash your hands frequently especially after touching common surfaces,before eating or preparing food. Use hand sanitizer. Norovirus can cause symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach cramps. Staying hydrated and getting plenty of rest can help you feel better faster. Don't spread the virus to others. Stay home if you're sick, avoid preparing food for others. Next, be mindful of what you eat and drink. Avoid raw or undercooked seafood. #StayHealthy #NorovirusAwareness #norovirus #stayhealthy
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Cholera Outbreak in Nigeria Cholera is an acute diarrheal illness caused by infection of the intestine with the bacterium Vibrio cholerae. This disease is often linked to inadequate water and sanitation facilities, leading to the consumption of contaminated water or food. Nigeria has experienced several cholera outbreaks over the years, with the most recent significant outbreaks occurring due to a combination of factors including poor sanitation, lack of clean drinking water, and inadequate health infrastructure. Cholera presents a severe public health challenge in Nigeria, particularly in the northern regions where sanitation facilities are minimal, and access to clean water is limited. During outbreaks, thousands of people can be affected, with a significant number of deaths occurring if swift measures are not taken. These outbreaks put additional strain on Nigeria's already challenged healthcare system, requiring rapid response to contain the spread and treat the infected. What is Cholera? Cholera is characterized by sudden onset of severe diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration and, in extreme cases, death if not treated promptly. The symptoms of cholera can be mild or asymptomatic in some individuals, but in severe cases, the rapid loss of fluids can lead to shock and death within hours. The infection is contracted by ingesting contaminated food or water, and it can spread rapidly in areas with poor sanitation and inadequate water treatment facilities. Treatment of Cholera The primary treatment for cholera is rehydration. This can be administered orally with Oral Rehydration Salts (ORS) or intravenously in more severe cases. ORS is a simple mixture of water, salt, and sugar that can be prepared and administered easily. For severe dehydration, intravenous fluids are required. Antibiotics can also be used to reduce the duration of the illness and the severity of symptoms, but rehydration remains the cornerstone of cholera treatment. Early and effective treatment can significantly reduce the mortality rate associated with cholera. Prevention of Cholera Preventing cholera involves several key strategies aimed at improving water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH). Ensuring access to safe drinking water and improving sanitation facilities are critical steps. Communities need to be educated on the importance of handwashing with soap, especially before handling food and after using the toilet. Proper disposal of human waste and the safe preparation of food are also vital measures. In addition, oral cholera vaccines are available and can provide short-term protection, particularly in areas at high risk of outbreaks. In conclusion, combating cholera in Nigeria requires a multi-faceted approach, including immediate medical response to outbreaks and long-term investments in water and sanitation infrastructure. Public health education and community engagement are also essential to promote hygiene practices and prevent the spread of the disease.
Cholera is an acute diarrheal disease caused by ingestion of food or water contaminated with feaces of an infected person. Symptoms of cholera includes: 🤢 Watery Diarrhea 🤮 Vomiting 🥴 Dehydration To stay safe⤵️ ☑️ Practice good hygiene ☑️ Wash your hands with soap and water regularly, especially after using the toilet and before preparing food or eating. ☑️ Only drink tap water that has been boiled or bottled water.
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How to Tell You Have Flukes Part 1 Dr. Janine shares how to tell you have flukes. She explains that you can get flukes by eating fluke-infested fresh-water raw or undercooked fish, meat, and even raw fruits and veggies. She talks about how one adult fluke can lay 2000-4000 eggs each day. These eggs are then excreted through your bile ducts and feces. She looks at how you can have no symptoms at all or you could be fatigued or nauseous when infected. Dr. Janine recommends regular parasite cleansing to avoid infection. Follow for more natural health tips. #parasites #parasitecleanse
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The Nocospray 2 disinfection system is a simple but highly effective way to decontaminate food production areas. If you'd liked to know more about how this powerful system could help to prevent infection in your workplace, please give me a call. #airbornedecontamination #infectioncontrol #foodindustry #foodproduction #foodmanufacturing #disinfection #deepclean #foodhygiene
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To reduce the risk of acquiring listeria infection, opt for safer food choices and avoid foods that are more likely to be contaminated with listeria because of their high moisture, low acidity, and low salt content. Learn more about these foods and safer food options here: #PSSHomeCare
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Protect Yourself!!! Avoid sharing food, drinks, or utensils with someone who has an active infection. Encourage individuals with infections to use separate utensils, plates, and glasses. Wash your hands frequently, especially before eating. Clean and disinfect surfaces and utensils regularly. #HealthTips #InfectionPrevention #StaySafe #HygieneFirst #HealthyLiving #GermFree #CleanLiving #HandWashing #Disinfect #StayHealthy #PreventInfection
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