I asked the audience for 1 word to describe learning in 2025. Here are the 4 offered up: Humanity Hard work Together Liminal ... what a great summary of what we need to succeed with learning in 2025! #OEB24
#OEB2024 brace for transformation - the courage to redefine learning 🚀once again Donald H Taylor great and energetic opening to an inspiring conference
Interesting set of words Donald H Taylor. I am interested to know how you interpret the word liminal as there are a range of interpretations.
AI. 2025 will be about AI.
'Liminal' is such an apt word for where we are as an industry
I’d have added “cheating” below “hard work” mate 🤪🤣😜 BUT sod the rules and if anything many L&D pros are adept at working creatively against the odds under heavy constraints like budget to deliver the outcomes they need 🥳😊
I agree. Now if the Dept. of Corrections would lock up this concept perhaps recidivism might take an improved pathway in America.
Liminal- with AI and rapid transformation, everyone is jumping to conclusions. So I love that word was offered up! We need to be more mindful and accept what we don't know to work towards greater certainty and make an impact. Great to see you on stage, Donald H Taylor
Interesting, AI didn’t make the cut?
Abstract list 😟
Lead researcher, L&D Global Sentiment Survey
1moThanks for the pic! I think that was me in delighted shock at the huge shout from the Danish delegation