We’re excited to announce our partnership with Kutsaca, a Mozambique-based organization empowering vulnerable children through creativity and education. At dotmoovs, we’re committed to using sports to drive social impact and inspire change in communities worldwide. If you want to know more about our social commitment, check out our latest medium article ➡️ https://lnkd.in/dMthzmxZ 🎉 What’s next? A special event is coming soon to celebrate this collaboration!
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At Inventures 2024, we were joined by Carol Wildcat of Ermineskin Cree Nation and Lynn Smith of Peavine Metis Settlement to discuss building trust between Indigenous nations and institutions. The discussion moved from taking a personalized approach to Indigenous community engagement, fostering long-term and mutually beneficial relationships, and how fruitful partnerships between institutions and nations can help create a better, more sustainable future. At NAIT, we respect the individuality of Indigenous communities and ensure that we walk beside them to help them achieve their training and applied research goals. Together we are building trust, sharing knowledge and creating impact. nait.li/3xILXIz
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The Yoma Impacts Ecosystem Platform showcases the power of co-creation with key stakeholders and partners. These collaborations drive scalable and inclusive youth empowerment solutions. Learn how this approach fuels innovation: https://lnkd.in/d7TqEysu
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This article highlights how Yoma is empowering youth in the Global South to turn challenges into opportunities for growth and impact. Through the Yoma Impacts Ecosystem Platform (YIEP), young people are driving positive change in areas like sustainability, gaining valuable skills, and earning income. 🌍 Don’t miss this game-changing story—read the full article now!📘 Read the full article: https://lnkd.in/dVRbmQMM
The Yoma Impacts Ecosystem Platform showcases the power of co-creation with key stakeholders and partners. These collaborations drive scalable and inclusive youth empowerment solutions. Learn how this approach fuels innovation: https://lnkd.in/d7TqEysu
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We have created a territorial foundation in Barichara, Colombia that is prototyping a form of bioregional governance. This is emerging through a tapestry of territorial processes and regenerative activities at the landscape scale. We organize around five thematic areas: 1) Regenerative Education 2) Regenerative Economy 3) Ecosystem Restoration 4) Cultural Regeneration 5) Healing & Spirituality All of this is built on a foundation of community philanthropy and participatory governance. Learn more here: https://lnkd.in/eRva6rZ6
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🔇Future Generations can't speak for themselves—but we can! 🎢We have a responsibility to consider their needs when making decisions that will ultimately shape their world. It’s time for the EU to follow the global examples already leading the way. The legal groundwork is in place—now we need a champion to take it forward. 🎙Join us at the Future Generations Conference on October 3rd to discuss the topic: https://bit.ly/3YsfEJu #fitforfuturegenerations, #unsummitofthefuture #futuregenerationsconference, #future, #intergenerationaljustice
😎 Watch our video and support the Future Generations Initiative. Get involved! 🎙Join us for a discussion and networking on Oct 3rd at the Future Generations Conference where we will dive into the most pressing questions of the topic: https://bit.ly/3YsfEJu 💪 Join the movement of future fighters! EU #FitforFutureGenerations The Good Lobby Pax Christi International International Youth Health Organization YouthProAktiv Oikos - Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Philea - Philanthropy Europe Association Generation Climate Europe (GCE) European Youth Forum Youth and Environment Europe (YEE) Laudato Si' Movement Network of Institutions and Leaders for Future Generations (NiFG) Lab Toekomstige Generaties Earthly Institute European Environmental Bureau Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Alboan ONG Fundazioa Fundacion Entreculturas NGDO World Future Council Friends of Europe Don Bosco International Debating Europe
European Union #FitForFutureGenerations
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This is Next Level Cultural Transformation 🌟 We are the network of European Capital of Culture cities and on a mission to transform how culture shapes urban development. We're uniting 35 (and counting) cities in a movement that turns ECoC aspirations into sustainable realities. Our impact reaches beyond the European Capital of Culture title - we're building lasting cultural legacies that transform communities. Through city-to-city collaboration, knowledge sharing, and policy advocacy, we're creating Europe's next cultural chapter together. Join the network that's revolutionizing how European cities leverage culture for sustainable growth. #CultureNext #EuropeanCapitalOfCulture #ecoc #CulturalTransformation #EuropeanCities
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As many of you probably know, #volunteering is a big part of my life. A couple of years ago, I wrote a poem about the importance of the "why" behind this critical practice. Take a look: -- Why Volunteer? The world has a need, Your time looks for it, Where can it go, Who can benefit? Homeless and hungry, There are many ways, People want hope, You can most days. Want creates trash, Tons and tons of it, Reuse halts growth, But we must commit. Death and destruction, People want a light, Support those in need, Some efforts seem right. Ukraine and Uganda, Landfills and Waste, Volunteer effort helps, Make time, act in haste. Consider a cause, What help can you render, Go to that place, Join in and surrender. Volunteering is fun, The rewards abound, It means you care, And your purpose is sound. -- I've attached a video from ENGin, the organization I currently volunteer with. We can all make an impact, even without leaving our home office or computer. It's possible! #Volunteer #GlobalImpact #ENGin
"Global Impact From Home" by Yana Lahoda
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🔥 Are you ready to influence the future? 🔥 Join us at the Round table of the 12th DHIAsymposium, a precursor of the 3rd Reyouth Congress 🌟 Your voice matters, so share your thoughts and shape the discussion! 🗨️ Take action now #YouthVoice #Empowerment #ChangeMakers Check out my blog post https://wix.to/DilK2Zt #newblogpost
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IAVE’s 27th IAVE World Volunteer Conference in Busan, South Korea, drew to a close last week with a challenge from Executive Director Nichole Cirillo. IAVE is concerned that the role volunteering plays in meeting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is unrecognized and undervalued, she said. In advance of the United Nations’ International Year of Volunteers for Sustainable Development (IYV) in 2026, IAVE is hosting a series of Global Dialogues to encourage a wide set of conversations about volunteering that will inform and inspire what happens during IYV 2026 and beyond. Questions will focus on: • What action is required—and by whom—to increase recognition of the value of volunteering made by all types of volunteers? • What needs to be done to ensure that governments in all parts of the globe provide not only the rhetoric of support, but the financial investment that enables volunteering to flourish? • What must change to address power dynamics and ensure that a diversity of voices of volunteers (women, young people and other marginalized groups, formally or informally organized) play a key role in shaping an enabling environment for volunteering? • What needs to be done to generate the necessary investments to enable volunteers to fulfil their potential? Learn more and sign up at iave.org/iyv26 #WorldVolunteerConference
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Food is essential to nurture life, and vocabulary is essential to strengthen communication 🫶🏽✨ Have you ever wondered how to say, •Fruits 🍍 •Pancakes 🥞 through sign language?🙌🏽 Have a look at the video and enrich your vocabulary!👩🏫💫 Join us in creating an inclusive community and take a step forward as a global citizen 🌎💯👍🏽 Video by : Rtr. Anuka Goonathilake Caption by : Rtr. Sheryl L. #Gestures #Rotaract #RID3220 #RotaDiaries #TheMagicOfRotary #TodaysYouth #TomorrowsFuture
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