Doug Williamson FCA, FCT, ACG, MA(Cantab) Law’s Post

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Practical tailored financial education & mentoring - University of Cambridge - chartered accountant FCA - corporate treasurer FCT - Advanced Communicator Gold, Toastmasters

Healthy sustainable life on and off the field. Thank you Dana Sara!! That sounds a great focus for many kinds of work and activities. Not only in baseball. . #baseball #sustainability

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Producer • Baseball Player Development

Uniquely I offer unprecedented training improving focus & psychic sight, advanced injury prevention & efficient healing, greater flexibility in mind and body as well as support for the player as a whole. Therefore i created The Los Angeles Literacy Project at my production house Elysian Field Studio, helping all players with critical thinking, empowerment, education and community building for a healthy sustainable life on and off the field. With use of theater games, players, actors and others transcend into thier greatest potential, without the weight of ego. Thank you for your support friends and associates and Dave Roberts encouraging words. That said, am open to earning my highest value and will continue to fight for my worth.

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Dana Sara

Producer • Baseball Player Development


Thank you Doug. Appreciate you. Money and finance is an area i focus on for players as well. Is another reason i took your course, to learn more about what teach them. If they ‘make it to the big time’ or not, they need practical tools, and a level head to ensure they make wise investements for a safe and stable life. This is news to most players who dream of getting bling, instead of contributing everything they have to the game. If they wind up having money to work with or not, they still need to stay grounded and build a solid foundation from the ground up.

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